2020-06-02 19:40:46
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
android是由开放手机联盟于 2007年 11月 5日发布的基于 linux 内核的开源手机软件设计平台,由操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成。
android系统最初由安迪#8226;鲁宾(andy rubin)开发制作,最初主要支持手机,于2005年8月被美国科技企业google收购。
2. 参考文献
[1]吕倩.基于云计算及物联网构建智慧校园【J】.计算机科学,2011,38(B10): 18-21. [2]Pohja M.Server push for web applications via instant messaging[J].Journal of Web Engineering,20 10,9(3):227#8212;242. [3]卫玉.推送技术在网络教学平台中的应用研究【D】.华东师范大学,2010. [4]Y Zhang,Y Zhou,Transparent computing:a new paradigm for pervasive computing[J],Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2006,4159:1#8212;11. [5]张尧学,周悦芝.一种云计算操作系统TransOS:基于透明计算的设计与实 现[J].电子学报,2011,39(5):985-990. [6]Y Zhang,Y Zhou,Separating computation and storage、)l,itll storage virtualization[J],Computer Communications,201 1,34(13):1539#8212;1548. [7]Kim Y S,Lee J W,Park S R,et a1.Mobile advertisement system using data push scheduling based on user preference[C].Wireless Telecommunications Symposium,2009.WTS 2009.IEEE,2009:1-5. [8]8 Ben Letaifa A,Tabbane S.Push mail:A real case of IP Convergence in NGN networks[C].Vehicular Technology Conference Fall(VTC 2009-Fall),2009 IEEE 70th.IEEE,2009:1-5. [9]Boon M A A,Van der Mei R D,Winands E M M.Applications of polling systems[J].Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science,201 1, 16(2):67#8212;82. [10]Bell K M,Bleau D N,Davey J T.Push notification service:U.S.Patent 8,064,896[P].201 l一1 1#8212;22. [11]Microsoft:Push Notications for Windows Phone[EB/OL]. URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/if40253 7(v=VS.92).aspx,201 1. [12]Hansen J,Gronli T M,Ghinea G.Towards Cloud to Device Push Messaging on Android:Technologies,Possibilities and Challenges[J]. Int#8217;l J. of Communications,Network and System Sciences,2012,5(12):839-849. [13]Sun X H,Byna S,Chen Y Improving data access performance、Ⅳitll server push architecture[C].Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium,2007,IEEE International.IEEE,2007:1-6. [14]Stanford#8212;Clark A J,Wightwick G R.The application of publish/subscribe messaging to environmental,monitoring,and control systems[J].IBM Journal of Research and Development,201 0,54(4):1-7. [15]Winands E M M.On polling systems with large setups[J].Operations research letters,2007,35(5):584#8212;590. [16]Winands E M M.Branching#8212;type polling systems with large setups[J].OR Spectrum,201 1,33(1):77-97. [17]梅蕊.跨服务器消息发布与推送机制的研究【D】.武汉:华中科技大学,2011.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2012-12-01~ 2012 -12-15 选题,查阅文献资料 2013-12-15~2012-12-31 准备开题报告,正式开题 2013-01-01~2013-02-10 学习android开发,ffmpeg在android上应用,和android sockets通信开发 2013-02-11~ 2013-03-15 学习服务器端videolan开发。
2013-03-16~ 2013-04-15 用asp.net开发分享平台页面和客户端。
2013-04-16~ 2013-05-15 系统调试。