2020-06-23 21:00:42
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
[1] 张翠平,苏光大.《人脸识别技术综述》.《中国图像图形学报》,2000 [2] 刘思成.《计算机人脸识别技术概述》.《数码世界》,2017 [3] 焦峰,山世光,崔国勤,高文,李锦涛.《基于局部特征分析的人脸识别方法》.《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》,2003 [4] 胡晶晶.《基于Socket的Android聊天室系统设计与实现》.《微处理机》,2014 [5] 李宁,《Android开发权威指南》.人民邮电出版社,2013 [6] 尹京花,王华军.《基于Android开发的数据存储》.《数字通信》,2012 [7] 埃克尔.《Java编程思想》.机械工业出版社,2007 [8] 王珊,萨师煊.《数据库系统概论(第五版)》.中国大学教学,2014 [9] 张海藩.《软件工程导论》. 清华大学出版社,2003 [10] 唐汉明,翟振兴,关宝军,王洪权,黄潇.《深入浅出MySQL》. 人民邮电出版社,2014 [11] W Zhao, R Chellappa, PJ Phillips, A Rosenfeld. 《Face recognition :A literature survey》. 《Acm Computer Surveys》,2003 [12] Paul A Viola, Michael J Jones. 《Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple features》.Computer vision and pattern recognition,2001 [13] Matthew Truk , Alex Pentland. 《Face recognition using eigenfaces》. Computer vision and pattern recognition,1991 [14] Henry A Rowley #183; Shumeet Baluja #183; Takeo Kanade. 《Neural network-based face detection》. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,1998 [15] Minghsuan Yang, David J Kriegman, Narendra Ahuja. 《Detecting faces in images: a survey》. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,2002 [16]Butler, Margaret. "Android: Changing the mobile landscape." IEEE Pervasive Computing 10.1 (2011): 4-7. [17]Enck, William, et al. "A Study of Android Application Security." USENIX security symposium. Vol. 2. 2011. [18]Mahmood, Riyadh, et al. "A whitebox approach for automated security testing of Android applications on the cloud." Automation of Software Test (AST), 2012 7th International Workshop on. IEEE, 2012.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.1.23-2018.3.3 完成开题报告、论文翻译 2018.3.4-2018.3.20 程序原型设计 2018.3.21-2018.4.30 完成系统、模块 2018.5.1-2018.5.15 系统测试与完善 2018.5.16-2018.5.31 撰写论文 2018.6.1 提交论文初稿 2018.6.2-2018.6.10 修改论文,准备答辩 2018.6.12 答辩