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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 矿业类 > 冶金工程 > 正文


 2020-06-29 20:41:14  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 参考文献

[1]Tripp D W,Mitchel A D. Heat- topping of VAR TitaniumAlloy Ingots [C]. In: Lherbier L ed. Proc Vacuum MetallurgyConf,New Yerk:Warrendale Press, 1989: 83~91. [2]Melgaard D K,Williamson R L,Beaman J J. ControllingRemelting Process for Superalloys and Aerospace Ti Alloys[J]. JOM, 1998, 31: 13~17. [3]Williamson, Rodney L. Model - Based Melt Rate Controlduring Vacuum Arc Remelting of Alloy 718[J]. Metallurgi-cal and Materials Transactions B, 2004, 35(1): 101~113. [4]Li X D, Shen M G, Wu C. Numerical Simulation on Influence of Water-Cooled Stool in the Process of Unidirectional Solidification[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 936:1317-1322. [5]李鹏飞, 李金山, 孙畅,等. 钛合金真空自耗电弧熔炼过程的多尺度模拟[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2013, 34(2):24-29. [6]张颖娟, 寇宏超, 李鹏飞,等. 真空自耗电弧熔炼TC4铸锭的凝固组织和缩松缩孔的模拟[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2012, 32(5):31-34. [7]Mitchell A. Solidification in remelting processes[J]. Materials Science amp; Engineering A, 2005, s 413#8211;414(36):10-18. [8]Blase T A, Guo Z X, Shi Z. A 3D conjugate heat transfer model for continuous wire casting[J]. Materials Science amp; Engineering A, 2004, 365(1):318-324. [9]Bellot J P, Ablitzer D, Foster B, et al. Dissolution of hard-alpha inclusions in liquid titanium alloys[J]. Metallurgical amp; Materials Transactions B, 1997, 28(6):1001-1010. [10]Shi Z, Guo Z X. Numerical heat transfer modelling for wire casting[J]. Materials Science amp; Engineering A, 2004, 365(1):311-317. [11]高帆, 王新英, 王磊,等. TiAl合金真空自耗熔炼过程的数值模拟[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2011, 31(7):608-611. [12]赵小花, 李金山, 杨治军,等. 钛合金真空自耗电弧熔炼过程中温度场的数值模拟[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2010, 30(11):1001-1004. [13]寇宏超, 张颖娟, 李鹏飞,等. 基于三维CAFE法计算真空自耗电弧熔炼钛合金铸锭的凝固组织(英文)[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2014(7):1537-1542. [14]Sung S Y, Kim Y J. Melting and Casting of Titanium Alloys[C], Materials Science Forum. 2007:3601-3606. [15]Spitans S, Baake E, Jakovics A. Large-scale Levitation Melting and Casting of Titanium Alloys[C], Viii International Scientific Colloquium "modelling for Materials Processing. 2017:59-66.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2017.12.22- 2018.3.1 查阅文献,完成外文翻译,完成开题报告; 2018.3.2- 2018.3.22 制定研究方案,了解VAR技术,并完成有限元模型的建立; 2018.3.23- 2018.4.26 完成模型的网格划分和APDL语言的学习; 2018.4.29- 2018.5.5 撰写中期报告 参加中期检查答辩; 2018.5.6- 2018.5.25 完成纯钛VAR过程温度场的模拟,并对结果进行分析; 2018.5.26- 2018.6.13 整理数据,撰写论文,参加毕业论文答辩

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