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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 金属材料工程 > 正文


 2020-07-07 22:09:16  

摘 要


(1)单独使用硅酸钠作缓蚀剂时,随着药剂添加量增加,缓蚀率逐渐上升;最低添加浓度30 mg/L,低于此浓度时,基本无缓蚀效果,甚至加重腐蚀。




关键词:硅系稳定剂 HEDP 缓蚀性能 阻垢性能


In recent years, the manufacturing industry has developed rapidly and the environment has been severely disrupted. Pollution discharge specifications are more stringent, so the development of environment-friendly stabilizers has become an urgent problem to be solved. In this paper, according to the environmental conditions of the sample water, the sodium silicate-based compound HEDP, PBTCA, and ATMP are selected as the research object, and the corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition performance tests are used to select the optimal formulation. Using weight loss method and EDTA standard solution titration method, corrosion inhibitor and scale inhibition performance were studied in sodium silicate concentration, compound inhibitor concentration, gain effect, film formation time and better corrosion inhibition .This article has obtained the following main conclusions:

(1) When sodium silicate alone is used as a corrosion inhibitor, the corrosion inhibition rate gradually increases with the increase of the additive amount; the minimum addition concentration is 30 mg/L. Below this concentration, there is basically no corrosion inhibition effect and even aggravated corrosion. .

(2) Using sodium silicate solution as the main corrosion inhibitor to compound other three kinds of corrosion inhibitors, the more the amount of compound inhibitor added, the higher the corrosion inhibition rate; when sodium silicate inhibitor and HEDP are matched At 15:1, there is a synergy effect.

(3) The effect of three compound corrosion inhibitors on the main inhibitor sodium silicate: HEDPgt;ATMPgt;PBTCA.

(4) Three kinds of better stabilizer formulations were selected to test the scale inhibition performance. Sodium silicate alone was used as the scale inhibitor, and there was basically no scale inhibition effect. PBTCA had the best effect, but the economic benefit was not high. Therefore, it was chosen to use HEDP as a scale inhibitor.

Keywords: Silicon stabilizer; HEDP; Corrosion inhibition performance; Scale inhibition performance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 控制腐蚀的方法 1

1.3 添加硅酸盐作缓蚀剂 2

1.4 硅酸钠作缓蚀剂的应用实例 2

1.4.1 单独使用硅酸钠作缓蚀剂 2

1.4.2 由硅酸钠复配其他成分作缓蚀剂 3

1.5 硅酸钠缓蚀机理 5

1.6 硅系稳定剂的阻垢研究 6

1.7 硅系稳定剂的展望 6

1.8 本课题的研究意义和内容 6

第二章 研究目标、内容及方法 8

2.1 研究目标 8

2.2 研究内容 8

2.3 实验仪器与药品 8

2.3.1 实验仪器 8

2.3.2 实验药品 9

2.4 实验测试方法与计算说明 10

2.4.1 准备实验药剂配制 10

2.4.2 取样水的钙离子浓度测定 11

2.4.3 取样水的pH的测定 11

2.4.4 冷却水旋转挂片腐蚀评定 12

2.4.5 静态阻垢性能评定 13

第三章 实验结果与讨论 15

3.1 单独使用硅酸钠作缓蚀剂 15

3.2 硅酸钠复配ATMP作缓蚀剂 17

3.3 硅酸钠复配PBTCA作缓蚀剂 18

3.4 硅酸钠复配HEDP作缓蚀剂 18

3.5 硅酸钠复配缓蚀剂的增益效果 20

3.6 时间对腐蚀速度的影响 22

3.7 阻垢性能评定 23

第四章 结论与展望 24

4.1 本文结论 24

4.2 问题与展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言



1.2 控制腐蚀的方法

缓蚀剂因为具有优良的效果和低廉的成本,目前已经成为腐蚀防护技术中使用范围最广的方法之一。特别是在石油及衍生品的生产加工、化学提纯、自然环境、用水排污、机器和仪表的制造及石油冶金生产工艺过程中,缓蚀技术渐渐成为最重要的防腐方法[5]。投放缓蚀剂是一种相比较而言良好的防腐蚀方法,其投放量很少,不会使周围介质发生改变的特点,同时也不需改变原来的设备和工艺,而且又不需要再生产额外的设备,甚至效果良好,成本低廉,实施难度小 [6]

1.3 添加硅酸盐作缓蚀剂



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