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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2020-08-20 20:01:27  

摘 要





Since reform and opening up, China's economy has experienced the rapid development of nearly 40 years, great changes have taken place in China's economic level too.Since China joined the WTO in 2001, domestic markets are open, gradually with the international community, including the domestic big changes have also taken place in the insurance market.In August 2013, the China insurance regulatory commission announced that ordinary life insurance interest rate no longer perform 2.5% interest rate cap on a regular basis, as a new evaluation will be a 3.5% interest rate, the specific interest rates determined by the respective insurance companies cautious.This a big decision means that China's domestic insurance market has entered a stage of book interest rate marketization.The third plenary session of the eighteenth \"about certain major issue decision\" comprehensively deepen reform, marked the market-based reform of interest rates will be one of the important direction of financial reform in China in the future.The life insurance company as a financial liability, compared with other types of enterprises more sensitive to interest rates so this the liabilities of life insurance companies, assets and investment management is put forward more severe challenges.How to improve the ability of domestic life insurance companies of interest rate risk management become the key to the problem.

In this paper, starting from the background, purpose and significance of research, analysis of the current research of interest rate risk of life insurance company;In the second part about the content of the long life insurance interest rate risk machine form;In the third part through the example of China life has carried on the instance analysis;In the fourth part discusses what raise the interest rate risk of research method is more suitable for our country's life insurance enterprises;The fifth part is conclusion.

Keywords:life-insurance,interest-rate risk,ALM


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的目的及意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1 国外研究现状 2

1.3.2 国内研究现状 2

第2章 我国寿险公司利率风险概述 4

2.1 寿险公司利率风险概念 4

2.1.1 寿险公司利率风险的定义 4

2.1.2 寿险公司利率风险的特征 5

2.1.3 寿险公司利率风险的来源 5

2.2 寿险公司利率风险的表现形式 7

第3章 利率变动对我国保险公司影响的实证分析—以中国人寿为例 8

3.1 利率变动对我国保险公司负债管理影响的实证分析 8

3.2 小结 12

第4章 我国寿险公司利率风险管理方法 13

4.1规避风险的管理方法 13

4.1.1资产负债管理 13

4.1.2久期免疫策略 13

4.2 控制风险的管理方法 15

4.2.1缺口管理 15

4.2.2Var管理 16

4.3 转移风险的方法 17

第5章 小结 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

第1章 绪论



但是由于我国现在处于社会主义初级阶段,各项法律法规仍不完善,而且国内的保险公司起步较晚,其中1979年才恢复寿险公司,与国外保险业拥有数百年的发展历史相比,差距很大。现阶段国内的保险公司依然处于相对较严监管状态。以国内保险公司的寿险产品为例,从1999年起,中国保监会就规定寿险产品的年化利率不得超过2.5%这一上限。但是在2013 年8月,中国保监会宣布普通型人身保险预定利率由保险公司按照审慎原则自行决定,不再具有2.5%的上限。同时,中国保监会将 3.5%作为了新的基准评估利率,这一举动一举打破了国内寿险公司的寿险产品的利率一直维持在低位的状态,使得国内寿险公司产品的预定利率开始进入市场化阶段。结合十八届三中全会发布的《关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,以及中央全面深化改革领导小组的意见,利率市场化是未来金融改革的重点方向之一。由于国内行政干预的原因,国内寿险公司一直处于低利率风险的状态,所以国内寿险公司对利率风险的研究一直不够深入,与国外先进的管理方法相比差距很大。因此预定利率市场化这一举措有利于增强国内寿险公司应对利率市场化冲击与影响的能力。同时这对国内寿险公司对其资产、负债与投资的管理提出了更高的要求。所以探究适合国内寿险公司的利率风险研究方法更显得尤为重要了。


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