2021-03-13 22:31:51
摘 要
关键词: 行政事业单位;财务管理;预决算
Administrative institutions are the general terms of administrative units and public institutions, refers to the institutions that government use state-owned assets engaging in education, science and technology, culture, health and other activities of social service organizations. Financial management is a key component of administrative institutions. On August 31, 2014, China adopted the "Budget Law of People's Republic of China ", the implementation of the new budget law on the administrative institutions of financial management put forward higher requirements. In order to adapt to the changes of relevant laws and regulations and the development needs under the new period, this paper analyzes the current situation of the financial management of Market Supervision and administration of T-City, analyzes the problems existing in the current financial management of administrative institutions in China, And puts forward the relevant countermeasures to improve the efficiency of capital utilization and provide the corresponding guarantee for the steady development of the administrative institutions. The results are of great significance to the reform and innovation of the financial management of the administrative institutions in our country.
This paper is characterized by the analysis of the data on the Management Bureau in 2014 of T-City Market Supervision. Therefore, the conclusion of this paper is constructive and universal. The paper mainly studies the relevant statements of T City Market Supervision and Management Bureau in 2014. By analyzing the data, calculating the index and drawing the chart (including the analysis of income and expenditure budget arrangement and performance analysis, the analysis of fiscal expenditure difference, the analysis of income and expenditure distribution and comparative analysis, etc. ) And other methods, aimed at the scientific evaluation of China's current administrative institutions of financial management work status quo.
The results show that there are some problems in the financial management of administrative institutions in China. If the accounting system is not matched, the budget is not complete and the cost control consciousness is not strong, we will build a sound financial management system and ensure the scientific nature of the budget, Strengthen the cost management, establish and improve the internal control system, strengthen the financial team construction is imperative. Only in the daily work of continuous analysis and reflection of the status of unit financial management, identify problems and solve problems in order to ensure that our administrative institutions and sound and rapid development.
Key Words:Administrative institutions; financial management; budget and final accounts
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 1
1.3研究目标 1
第2章 我国行政事业单位财务管理简介 3
2.1行政事业单位的特征 3
2.2行政事业单位财务管理的内容 3
2.3行政单位与事业单位财务管理的不同点 3
第3章 行政事业单位财务管理实例研究—以T市市场监督管理局为研究对象 5
3.1 T市市场监督管理局单位情况简介 5
3.2收入支出预算安排情况分析 5
3.3收入支出预算执行情况 7
3.4收入支出结构分布分析 9
3.5费用支出对比分析 10
3.6重点经济分类支出执行情况 13
3.7资产负债情况分析 14
3.8当年预算执行中存在问题、原因及改进措施 15
第4章 行政事业单位财务管理存在的问题 16
4.1会计制度不配套 16
4.2预算编制不科学 16
4.3成本控制意识不强 16
4.4内部控制与监督制度不完善 16
第5章 解决行政事业单位财务管理相关问题的对策 18
5.1构建完善的财务管理体系 18
5.2确保预算编制的科学性 18
5.3强化成本管理 18
5.4完善内部控制制度 18
5.5加强财会队伍建设 19
结论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
第1章 绪论
1.2 国内外研究综述
自2004年以来,发表的有关“行政事业单位财务管理”的各类学术研究数量大幅攀升,于2013年达到峰值。在2017年3月5日发表的《试论新预算法对行政事业单位财务管理的影响》一文中,作者孔贺重点分析了在新预算法的背景下,如何使得行政事业单位财务管理更加规范科学,从而使行政事业单位能够更加良好的发展。无独有偶,在《经济研究导刊》2017年第2期《基于新会计制度谈如何加强事业单位财务管理》一文中,朱晓飞提出在新的会计制度下,各单位部门需要不断提高会计部门的信息交流质量,保证会计工作能够符合新会计制度的相关规定,从而提高会计工作的质量。可见在不同的时期,不同的制度下,行政事业单位财务管理的内容是不尽相同的。在国外,因为没有相应的行政事业单位的概念,取而代之的是非盈利组织(Non-profit Organization),所以这里的国外研究现状,本文选取的对象是非盈利组织。目前对非盈利组织的定义,较为流行的是莱斯特·撒拉蒙(Lester Salamon)教授提出的五特征说。[1]日本学者重复真一根据亚洲国家的国情,对撒拉蒙教授的定义加以修正,并且总结出非营利组织的六个特征:(1)非政府性;(2)非营利性;(3)自发性;(4)持续性、形式性;(5)利他性;(6)慈善性。[2]虽然这样的定义与中国行政事业单位目前的定义有所出入,但在国外的研究中,主要围绕合作治理的新思维,对于我国行政事业单位财务管理还是有所借鉴作用的。[2]
第2章 我国行政事业单位财务管理简介