2021-03-21 22:41:31
摘 要
第1章 绪论 4
1.1 研究背景及其意义 4
1.1.1 研究背景 4
1.1.2 研究意义 5
1.2 国内外研究现状 5
1.3研究内容及章节安排 6
第2章 基于内容的图像检索技术 7
2.1基于颜色特征的检索方法 7
2.1.1常用的颜色模型 7
2.1.2 颜色特征的提取方法 8
2.2 基于纹理特征的检索方法 9
2.2.1 常见的纹理特征表示方法 10
2.2.2 纹理特征的提取算法 10
2.3 基于区域特征的检索方法 11
2.3.1 简单的区域描述 11
2.3.2 拓扑描述 11
2.4 相似度度量 12
2.5本章小结 13
第3章 车标检索系统的设计与实现 14
3.1 整体的设计 14
3.2 图像的预处理 16
3.2.1 算法原理 16
3.2.2 核心代码 17
3.3 颜色特征的提取算法 18
3.3.1 算法原理 18
3.3.2 核心代码 22
3.4 纹理特征的提取算法 23
3.4.1 算法原理 23
3.4.2 核心代码 26
3.5 空间特征的提取 27
3.5.1 算法原理 27
3.5.2 核心代码 30
3.6 多特征综合的图像检索 30
3.7 本章小结 31
第4章 检索系统的调试 32
4.1 系统存在的问题 32
4.2 解决问题的方法 32
4.3 结果分析 34
4.3.1 时效性分析 34
4.3.2 查准性分析 35
第5章 总结与展望 36
5.1 总结 36
5.2 展望 37
参考文献 38
With the rapid development of computer and network technology, a large number of image information is generated and spreaded continuously everyday In the ocean of the image data, how to quickly and accurately find the image to satisfy the user's need become a very important problem.During the early days of image retrieval technology development, researchers mainly adopt the text-based image retrieval technology, namely artificial to annotation of image information,.But this method has obvious disadvantage that it not only cost a lot of manpower, but also spend a lot of time. Meanwhile ,due to manual annotation subjective, making graphic retrieval may appear deviation .Of couse ,the retrieval speed is not fast and does not support the multimedia information query and retrieval.Because of these problems, scientists proposed the content-based image retrieval technology.The retrieval technique does not require the participation of a large number of human and it also can be efficient and fast in the computer to find the retrieval results, at the same time, system can handle huge amounts of image data for the computer having powerful computing ability Above all,content-based image retrieval technology has broad prospects for development and research significance.
This article studies some details of content-based image retrieval technology. Firstly,the research background and application field of content-based image retrieval technology has been introduced and the related characteristic index has been analyzed.Three image featuresare considered, including:the main color features, texture featuresand spatial characteristics. For color features, this article uses the color histogram. Fortexture characteristics, this article employs the symbiotic matrix algorithm. For space characteristics, this article uses the image features such as area and coordinates of the center of gravity.Next, this article discusses various distance measurement algorithms, including the Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, chebyshev distance, etc.At the same time, based on some analysis, Euclidean distance has been employed for similarity measure.
Based on related knowledge, this article uses the Matlab programming to realize a logo retrieval system.The system can enable the user to enter a pictures , retrieving the corresponding image from the image library and pictures of the logo name.This system adopts the above said three kinds of image features as a retrieval index, using Euclidean distance as the main measure.Finally, through the experiment,this article verifies the feasibility of these algorithms.