2021-03-22 22:49:38
摘 要
In the power system, if access to a large number of impact load, it will cause the power system voltage fluctuations, power grid voltage flicker, power grid three-phase imbalance and current and voltage waveform distortion and other issues, thus seriously reducing the power quality of the system. Especially with the rapid progress of China's power system, the development of low-voltage distribution network in China, the three-phase load imbalance is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, the appropriate addition of three-phase unbalanced reactive power compensation device in the grid is very necessary to meet the reactive power demand of the grid and reduce the loss of the power system.
Aiming at the problem of three - phase imbalance in the load distribution of medium and low voltage distribution network, a practical reactive power compensation method - Thyristor Switching Capacitor (TSC). This paper mainly introduces the basic principles of TSC reactive power compensation device, control mode, switching mode, main circuit, sampling, measuring circuit and other key issues. The main circuit using thyristor to control the capacitor switching, both to achieve the rapid switching capacitor, but also in the process of switching can be done without arc, no impact of switching, with very good performance. In the design of the compensation scheme, the hybrid compensation scheme, which is mainly composed of "three-phase complementary" and "single-phase compensation", can compensate the three-phase unbalanced load problem effectively, And the lack of fill the phenomenon, at the same time also saves the capacity of the compensation capacitor, with good economy. In the principle of switching in principle, the use of zero-switching method can be achieved without inrush current switching capacitor, effectively reduce the impact on the grid.
In this paper, three-phase TSC dynamic reactive power compensation system is simulated by MATLAB. The simulation results show that the design method of this device is reasonable and can improve the imbalance of load three times and achieve the desired purpose.
Key Words:Reactive power compensation; three-phase unbalance load; TSC; MATLAB simulation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 无功补偿装置研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外无功补偿现状与发展动向 2
1.2.1 无功补偿装置简介 2
1.2.2 无功补偿技术的发展动向 5
1.3研究三相不平衡负荷无功补偿的关键问题及技术难点 6
1.3.1 研究三相不平衡负荷无功补偿的关键问题 6
1.3.2 研究三相不平衡负荷无功补偿的技术难点 6
1.4 论文研究的内容及章节安排 6
第2章 无功补偿的基本原理与实现方法 8
2.1 无功功率和功率因数 8
2.2 无功功率动态补偿的原理 9
2.3 无功功率动态补偿的实现方法 11
2.3.1 低压电网中的几种无功补偿的方式 11
2.3.2 无功补偿的实用方法 12
第3章 系统总体方案设计 13
3.1 总体方案介绍 13
3.1.1 “混合补偿”无功补偿方案的设计原则 13
3.2 无功补偿容量的计算方法 13
3.2.1 无功功率补偿容量的计算 13
3.2.2 无功补偿容量的确定 14
3.3 主电路的设计 15
3.3.1 电容器的接线方式 15
3.3.2 电容器的分组方式 17
3.3.3 电容器投切单元 18
3.3.4 投入时刻的选取 19
3.4 检测点位置方案 19
3.5 控制电路的设计 19
3. 6三相不平衡负荷无功补偿系统总体设计方案 21
3.7 无功补偿系统电路原理图 22
3.8 本章小结 22
第4章 基于MATLAB的无功补偿系统仿真 23
4.1 系统的主电路模型 23
4.2 TSC模块 24
4.3 仿真结果分析 25
4.3.1 无功补偿前后三相电流电压的变化 25
4.3.2 无功补偿前后各相电流电压的变化仿真图 26
4.3.3 无功补偿前后各相无功变化仿真图 28
4.4 本章小结 29
第5章 总结与展望 30
5.1 总结 30
5.2 未来展望 30
参考文献 32
致 谢 33
附录A:系统仿真图 34
附录B:电路原理图 35
第1章 绪论