2021-05-13 23:55:28
摘 要
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1制动系统设计的意义 1
1.2制动系统的发展现状 1
1.3制动系统应达到的目标 2
第二章 制动系统的类型与设计要求 3
2.1制动装置概述 3
2.1.1制动装置各系统及其功能 3
2.1.2制动系统组成部分及其功能 3
2.1.3 对制动装置的要求 4
2.2制动器形式方案分析 4
2.2.1鼓式制动器 4
2.2.2 盘式制动器 5
第三章 制动系统的基本参数计算 7
3.1汽车基本数据 7
3.2鼓式制动器主要参数的确定 7
3.2.1鼓式制动器内径D 7
3.2.2摩擦衬片宽度b和包角β 7
3.2.3 摩擦衬片起始角β0 8
3.2.4制动器中心到张开力F0作用线的距离e 8
3.2.5制动蹄支撑点坐标a 9
3.2.6支销中心距2c 9
3.2.7摩擦片摩擦系数 9
3.3同步附着系数的确定 9
3.4制动器最大制动力矩 11
第四章 制动器相关参数的设计计算 12
4.1制动转矩的相关计算 12
4.1.1 制动蹄单位压力分布 12
4.1.2制动蹄的压力中心及压力中心圆 12
4.1.3制动器的制动效能因数 13
4.2制动性能计算 15
4.2.1最大制动减速度 15
4.2.2制动距离 15
4.3摩擦衬片的耐磨计算 16
4.4驻车制动的计算 17
第五章 制动器主要零部件设计 18
5.1制动蹄设计 18
5.2制动鼓设计 18
5.3制动底板设计 18
5.4制动凸轮设计 19
5.5制动蹄回位弹簧设计 19
5.6制动间隙及其调整 19
5.7制动蹄的支承 19
5.8制动系统的分路系统 19
5.9踏板机构 21
5.10气压制动驱动机构 21
第六章 结论 22
参考文献 23
附录A MATLAB编程 24
附录B CATIA设计装配图 25
致 谢 28
摘 要
关键词:鼓式制动器 中型货车 制动性能
Modern means of transport vehicle is the most common, and it is closely related to our daily life is because of close contact with our life, so the car to have many parts of various systems to ensure the use of performance. The problem of safety is the theme of the car can never be separated, and the main function of the braking system is to ensure the safety of the car. The braking system can slow down or stop the car, or keep the existing state of the vehicle in the parking condition, thus the braking system is a powerful guarantee for the safety performance of the automobile.
Brake the vehicle kinetic energy is converted to heat to car deceleration, modern car compared with the original engine and suspension technology is more advanced, and now the road condition is far better than the previous, improve the speed of the vehicle, so the requirements of automobile braking system higher. So now the car brake must have good braking stability and high efficiency. In recent years, the rapid development of the automotive industry and the requirement for the safety of the car is more and more high. Because of the speed of updating the automobile product, it is the main task to shorten the research cycle, improve the product performance and reduce the production cost. Also improve product performance and reduce production costs are the main task of this design.
This paper mainly expounds the basic knowledge of automobile brake system, and to select the structure of the braking system in EQ1092F19D braking system design process, calculation of structural parameters of the drum brake, drum brake parts of structure parameter selection and calculation and strength check.