象似性理论在英语语法教学上的应用 The Theory of Iconicity and Its Application to the Teaching of English Grammar毕业论文
2021-06-08 00:41:10
摘 要
关键词: 象似性理论;英语语法教学;任意性;教学应用
Nowadays, Iconicity is a feverish topic discussed by cognitive linguists. Iconicity can be revealed at all levels of language. So it is not only significant for the analysis of literary work and the study of translation, but it can be very instructive to the teaching of English.
Throughout history, arbitrariness has been considered as one of the most distinguished features of language. Saussure (1857-1913), a famous linguist, asserted that there was no interrelationship between the signifier and signified or such relation cannot be testified; that’s to say, it is casual and conventional. However, in the 1940s, Peirce, founder of American practicalism and semiotics, defined icon, index and symbol in another way. He (1940) contended that syntax in every language mirrors logic Iconicity by means of conventional rules. Haiman, a French pragmatic linguist, makes the greatest achievements in studying syntactic iconicity. He believes that the surface form of a sentence iconically diagrams its semantics.
This thesis gives a comprehensive and systematic introduction of iconicity of language with emphasis on its application in English grammar teaching. This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter one introduces two representatives of arbitrariness, Saussure and Chomsky, and two pioneers in iconicity, Peirce and Haiman, by reviewing their arbitrary and iconic views about language respectively. Chapter two illustrates the three levels of iconicity. Chapter three gives grammatical examples to explain how iconicity can be implemental to English grammar teaching. This thesis aims to make iconicity familiar to readers so as to help create a new angle for English grammar teaching.
Key words: iconicity; English grammar teaching; arbitrariness; teaching application
1 The Representatives of Arbitrariness and Iconicity and Their Views on Language 2
1.1 Arbitrary Views about Language 2
1.1.1 Saussure’s views 2
1.1.2 Chomsky’s views 3
1.2 Iconic Views about Language 4
1.2.1 Peirce’s Views 4
1.2.2 Haiman’s Views 6
2 Iconicity at Different Levels 7
2.1 Iconicity at phonological level 7
2.1.1 Auditory iconicity 7
2.1.2 Articulatory iconicity 8
2.1.3 Associative iconicity 8
2.2 Iconicity at Word Level 10
2.2.1 iconicity on graphology 10
2.2.2 iconicity on word formation 10
2.3 Iconicity on Syntactic Level 11
2.3.1 The Principle of Iconic Proximity 11
2.3.2 The Principle of Iconic Sequence 12
2.3.3 The Principle of Iconic Quantity 13
3 Application of the Theory of Iconicity to English Grammar Teaching 16
3.1 Iconic Phrase 16
3.1.1 Causation 16
3.1.2 Coordination 17
3.1.3 Possession 17
3.1.4 Transitivity 18
3.2 Iconicity in Finite Attribute Clause amp;Non-finite Attribute Clause 18
3.3 Iconocity in the Location of Adjective Modifiers 19
3.4 Iconcity in the Inflection of Predicate Verb 20
Conclusion 21
References 21
Acknowledgements 23
Both linguists and philosophers have endlessly explored the relation between the signifier and the signified with great interest. Although the progress that was made by the Neogrammarian School in historical linguistics was mainly on the basis of arbitrariness of language, they couldn’t deny the fact that there were some exceptions to their “sound-law”.
The first time that iconicity about language had been speculated was in the Cratylus by Plato, who is a representative of Realism. In Cratylus, Plato contended that the general language activities stemmed from onomatopoeia. In his opinion, the nature of given object can be revealed by the signifier. For centuries, there has been debate on the nature of language, especially arbitrariness or iconicity. The theory of arbitrariness is widely accepted as one of the distinguished features. Saussure said that there is no intrinsic relation between the name and its given referent. Nevertheless, others believe that the signifier and the signified resemble each other in a way. That’s to say there is certain connection between them.
Since 1980s or maybe earlier 1970s, with more and more mature development of language and cognition exploration, people have found that language is not completely as arbitrary as the conventional explanations. It is claimed by the cognitive linguistics that language is molded or at least influenced by experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it (Ungereramp; Schmid, 2001). This kind of new point is also recognized by functionalists who hold the belief that language is not discrete or autonomous but based on cognitive processes. The iconicity originates from American philosopher Peirce. He observes that “In the syntax of every language, there are logical icons of the kind that are aided by conventional rules.”(Peirce, 1995)
The iconicity can be observed at three levels: phonology, morphology, syntax. Iconicity study has been combined with applied linguistics and literary criticism and other field. The arbitrariness and iconicity can both exist in the principals of language. This thesis is aimed to make people familiar with iconicity and give a detailed introduction to its applications in language teaching.