2021-11-05 19:31:36
摘 要
Energy is the impetus for the progress of anthropic civilization. With the vast consumption of traditional fossil fuels and severe environmental pollution, renewable energy sources represented by solar energy has attracted people's attention. Various countries in the world strive to develop photovoltaic power generation systems. However, photovoltaic power generation is easily influenced by the environment, and its output power is characterized by intermittent and large fluctuation, which goes against the generalization of photovoltaic power generation. Adding energy storage units into the photovoltaic power generation system can solve the problems of unstable output power of the system. In this paper, the photovoltaic energy storage system is analyzed, and the parallel and off-grid control are studied.
Firstly, the constitution of photovoltaic energy storage system is introduced, and the structure to be used is determined, the working principle and mathematical expression of the inverter are analyzed, as well as the control strategy of photovoltaic energy storage system, and the methods of grid-connected control of active and reactive power and off-grid control of load voltage and frequency are determined. Secondly, the mathematical model of photovoltaic energy storage system is built ,and the relationship between the voltage , temperature, illumination and power of photovoltaic cells are studied, briefly introduce the principle of disturbance observation and control of photovoltaic cells, and the working principle and control method of the bidirectional Buck-Boost converter used in the battery unit are determined. Thirdly, the optical storage system simulation model was built in Simulink platform, and the simulation waveform of off-grid only, grid-only and off-grid switching operation modes is analyzed, which verified the feasibility of the proposed control strategy and enabled the switch of parallel and off-grid
Key Words: Photovoltaic energy storage;Bi-directional DC/DC converter;Inverter;Grid connection;Off-grid
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3本文的主要研究内容 3
第2章 光伏储能系统的工作原理及控制策略 4
2.1 光伏储能系统构成 4
2.2 光伏储能系统逆变器工作原理 4
2.3 光伏储能系统的控制策略 6
2.3.1 PQ控制 6
2.3.2 VF控制 7
2.4 本章小结 7
第3章 光伏储能系统建模 8
3.1 光伏系统数学模型 8
3.1.1 光伏电池 8
3.1.2 最大功率跟踪控制 10
3.2 储能系统数学模型 11
3.3 本章小结 11
第4章 光伏储能系统并离网控制仿真分析 13
4.1 并网仿真分析 13
4.2 离网仿真分析 14
4.3 并离网无缝切换仿真分析 16
4.4 本章小结 22
第5章 总结及展望 23
5.1 全文总结 23
5.2 课题展望 23
参考文献 25
致谢 26
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
太阳能的开发利用途径中用的比较多的是用光伏电池把太阳能转化为电能,然后供用电设备使用。光伏发电过程中不存在巨大动能,无噪声,不排放废气、废水,而且设备发电能源利用效率较高,设备安装简单,可以分布式安装在离群众活动区域近的地方,发电后可以就近供电,也可以并网远距离输送。光伏发电具有很多火力发电、水力发电不具备的优点,已经成为可再生能源中重点研究对象之一。集中式并网光伏发电站是集中建设光伏阵列,发电功率大,可以利用太阳能的时间分布特性和储能技术,起到削峰填谷、补偿电网无功等作用[1],但是占地面积广,离负荷远。分布式光伏发电不受占地面积限制,建设周期短,能够减少用户距高压电网远而引起电网电压的损耗,而且能够起到适当降低电网建设规模,从而降低大规模电网工作中发生事故概率的作用。光伏发电具有很多的优点,但是与常规能源不同的是,光伏电池不能像蓄电池一样储存电能,光伏发电容易受到光照、温度影响,输出功率呈现波动性和间歇性 [2],光伏电池输出电压也会影响其输出功率。要提高光伏发电的经济收益,光伏发电系统一般需要并入电网运行,对于电网,光伏发电相当于随机的扰动源,功率波动很大,这种波动较大的功率流入电网将会给电网保证电能质量带来麻烦[3],而在离网运行时,光伏发电系统很难依靠自身调节输出跟踪负载的功率需求,难以满足负载对供电电压、频率稳定的要求,这些因素限制了光伏发电的扩大使用。