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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-11-11 20:25:04  


摘 要



1)提供针对小型生产型物流仓储系统多品类存储场景方案,实现不同类型的自动化仓储效用的结合,达到系统1 1gt;2的效果。






With the traditional production enterprises facing the needs of "new retail" industrial modernization transformation and upgrading, warehousing management has been gradually paid attention to. Warehousing logistics generally adopts the form of outsourcing or renting a third party, so it is easy to have problems such as low turnover rate, overstocked inventory, difficult to deal with non-performing products, and information disorder, which greatly hinder the transformation of enterprises. Therefore, this paper aims to design a warehousing design scheme for small and medium-sized traditional manufacturing enterprises to alleviate or solve the above problems and provide some new ideas and reference experience for business operators.

This project comes from the project design of an automated logistics system of the electronic parts manufacturing company (hereinafter referred to as company C). Through the collection of relevant data, it is found that company C has a small storage area, heavy goods, multi category storage and certain requirements for turnover rate. The main research points are as follows:

1) This paper provides a multi category storage scenario scheme for small-scale production logistics storage system, and realizes the combination of different types of automatic storage utility to achieve the effect of system 1 1 gt; 2.

2) Through the reasonable layout of the storage function area and the design of the storage moving line, the overall scheme of the system is given, so as to meet the requirements of improving the capacity of warehousing.

3) According to the scheme, calculate the parameters and design the system, design two sets of conveying system design schemes, and comprehensively evaluate and select the optimal scheme. Finally, draw the layout and equipment selection table.

Finally, we use Flexsim simulation software to model and simulate the design scheme, and verify the feasibility of the design scheme from throughput and other indicators.

Key Words:Multi storage mode;storage planning and design;Flexsim simulation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的背景与意义 1

1.1.1 课题背景 1

1.1.2 课题研究的意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3本文主要研究内容 4

第2章 设计需求分析 6

2.1 背景资料 6

2.2 业务流程分析 6

2.2.1 存储品类及使用仓储分析 6

2.2.2 业务流程分析 7

2.3 设计需求分析 8

2.3.1 存储区存量确定 9

2.3.2 物流量确定 9

2.4 本章小结 10

第3章 多模式仓储布局规划 11

3.1 仓库布局概述 11

3.1.1 仓库规划原则 11

3.1.2 仓库布局规划方法 11

3.2 仓库的功能区设置、面积计算及动线初步布置 16

3.2.1 功能区确定 16

3.2.2 功能区面积初步确定 16

3.2.3 L动线布置图 18

3.3多模式仓储功能区布置SLP修正 19

3.3.1物流相关性分析 19

3.3.2非物流相关性分析 20

3.3.3 综合物流相关性分析 21

3.4考虑搬运系统后的修正方案 23

3.4.1 输送系统设计需求 23

3.4.2 输送系统设计方案及选择 24

3.4.3 搬运设备选型 26

3.5本章小结 28

第4章 功能区详细设计 30

4.1出入库详细设计 30

4.1.1 入库区 30

4.1.2 出库区 32

4.2 存储区规划方案 32

4.2.1 密集型自动化仓储 33

4.2.2 托盘型自动化仓库 33

4.2.3 料箱型自动化仓库 34

4.3 其他功能区规划方案 35

4.3.1 零拣区 35

4.3.2 不良品区域 35

4.4 库内通道规划方案 36

4.5 仓库动线设计 36

4.6 本章小结 37

第5章 立体仓库系统仿真及优化 38

5.1 仿真模型的建立 38

5.1.1 Flexsim仿真建模的基本步骤 38

5.1.2 仿真模型实验数据 38

5.1.3 多存储模式自动化立体库的概念模型 39

5.1.4 多存储模式自动化立体库的仿真模型 39

5.2 仿真结果分析 43

5.3 本章小结 46

第6章 总结与展望 47

6.1 总结 47

6.2 展望 47

参考文献 48

致 谢 50

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题的背景与意义

1.1.1 课题背景




  1. 合理的功能区规划布局及流程优化



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