2021-12-24 15:46:09
1. 1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容、要求、设计方案、规划等
3、方案拟定: 1)2018年1月完成开题报告和文献综述;2)2018年2-3月收集气象数据,建立和完善土壤碳库模型;3)2018年4月进行野外调查,补充观测资料;4)2018年5月分析模拟结果,撰写论文,准备答辩;5)2018年6月论文完善及答辩。
2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)
[1] coulis, m., hattenschwiler, s., coq, s., et al., leaf litter consumption by macroarthropods and burial of their faeces enhance decomposition in a mediterranean ecosystem [j]. ecosystems, 2016. 19(6): 1104-1115.
[2] garcia-palacios, p., maestre, f.t., kattge, j., et al., climate and litter quality differently modulate the effects of soil fauna on litter decomposition across biomes [j]. ecology letters, 2013. 16(8): 1045-1053.
[3] grandy, a.s., wieder, w.r., wickings, k., et al., beyond microbes: are fauna the next frontier in soil biogeochemical models? [j]. soil biology biochemistry, 2016. 102: 40-44.