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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-01-05 21:31:42  


摘 要





Group wisdom community is a community that can give full play to the wisdom of users in the upward community. With the continuous development of social economy and modern science and technology, the concept of lifelong learning is deeply rooted in people's minds. The importance and value of knowledge are gaining more and more attention from the world, and users' knowledge acquisition, exchange and utilization activities through knowledge communities are becoming more and more frequent. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of the Group wisdom community helps to contribute to the progress of society and humanity on the basis of controlling the direction of the Group wisdom community.
This article takes Group wisdom community as the main research object, obtains research data of Group wisdom community at home and abroad through CNKI and WOS, and comprehensively uses a variety of visualization tools to analyze the obtained data and analyze the research status of Group wisdom community at home and abroad. Use citespace tools to analyze the literature distribution, periodical distribution, time series evolution and other aspects of domestic and international Group wisdom community research; use tools such as ucinet, cortext, pajek and other domestic and foreign Group wisdom community research topics and their evolutionary context to analyze, and then through the Comparing the current status of Group wisdom community research at home and abroad, understanding the similarities and differences of domestic and foreign research, and finally drawing conclusions and looking forward to the future.

Keywords:group wisdom community, knowledge community, evolution, change, visualization


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 1

1.3 研究内容与方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究方法 2

第二章 群智社区研究概况 6

2.1 数据来源 6

2.2 时间序列文献统计 6

2.3 研究作者分析 8

2.3.1 国内作者分析 9

2.3.2 国外作者分析 10

2.4 研究期刊分布 11

2.4.1 国内期刊分布 11

2.4.2 国外期刊分布 12

2.5 研究机构分布 13

2.5.1 国内研究机构 13

2.5.2 国外研究机构 14

2.6 跨学科概貌 15

2.6.1 国内跨学科概貌 15

2.6.2 国外跨学科概貌 16

第三章 国内群智社区研究分析 17

3.1 高频关键词统计分析 17

3.2 群智社区研究高频关键词网络图谱 18

3.3 群智社区研究的突显词分析 20

3.4 群智社区研究主题的时序演进 20

3.5 主题关联网络分析 22

3.5.1 网络特征分析 22

3.5.2 主题社区划分 23

3.5.3 主题社区分析 25

3.6 主题演化与发展态势分析 29

第四章 国外群智社区研究分析 30

4.1 高频关键词统计分析 30

4.2 群智社区研究高频关键词网络图谱 31

4.3 群智社区研究主题的时序演进 33

4.4 主题关联网络分析 34

4.4.1 网络特征分析 34

4.4.2 主题社区划分 35

4.4.3 主题社区分析 37

4.5 主题演化与发展态势分析 39

第五章 国内外群智社区研究情况对比 41

5.1 论文发表数量 41

5.2群智社区研究主题词对比 41

5.3 主题词脉络演化 43

5.4 学科分布情况 44

总结与展望 46

参考文献 48

致谢 52

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景




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