2022-01-08 21:19:33
摘 要
关键词:椭球面 坐标转换 空间直角坐标系 大地坐标系 高斯投影
The relationship and transformation among many kinds of Coordinate systems on the Ellipsoid surface
In this passage, the definition, interrelation, conversion method and the influence of parameters on the coordinate translation results of each coordinate system on the ellipsoidal surface are researched and analyzed. First of all, the background and significance of coordinate transformation research are introduced, the definition and relation of coordinate systems are expounded, and then the importance of coordinate transformation on the ellipsoidal surface is showed. Then, the conversion relation between the coordinate systems are infered, and a software system for the conversion between some coordinate systems is designed by using Matlab. In the end, the influences of different ellipsoid parameters and the selection of common points on the transformation results are analyzed, and the results indicate that when the accuracy requirement is less than 5.8 " , the geodetic latitude and naturalized latitude can be substituted for each other; when the accuracy is required to be less than 0.001m, the coordinate conversion results under the WGS-84 ellipsoid and the CGCS2000 ellipsoid can be used instead ; when calculating seven parameters, six common points are chose with higher accuracy than three common points, and the more uniform the distribution of common points, the closer they are to the coordinate points to be converted, the higher the calculation accuracy.
Key Words: Ellipsoid; Coordinate transformation; Rectangular coordinate system; Geodetic coordinate system; Gaussian projection
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景和意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究内容和目的 2
第二章 椭球面上各种坐标系统的建立 3
2.1地球椭球的几何参数 3
2.1.1椭球面 3
2.1.2基本几何参数 3
2.2坐标系建立 4
2.2.1 空间直角坐标系 4
2.2.2 大地坐标系 5
2.2.3 大地极坐标系 6
2.2.4 子午面直角坐标系 6
2.2.5 高斯平面直角坐标系 6
第三章 坐标系之间的转换关系及程序设计 13
3.1 坐标转换的概念 13
3.2坐标系之间的关系 13
3.2.1 子午面直角坐标同大地坐标的关系 13
3.2.2 空间直角坐标同子午面直角坐标的关系 15
3.2.3 空间直角坐标与大地坐标的关系 15
3.2.4不同空间直角坐标之间的相互转换 16
3.2.5不同高斯平面直角坐标之间的相互转换 17
第四章 坐标转换程序设计 19
4.1 Matlab程序设计基础 19
4.2 程序整体设计 19
4.2.1 GUI界面模块设计 19
4.2.2 程序整体功能设计图 20
4.2.3 程序设计代码 21
4.3 GUI程序界面设计 24
4.3.1 坐标转换程序设计框图 24
4.3.2 界面设计及算例 24
第五章 相关转换参数对转换结果的影响 32
5.1椭球参数对坐标转换的影响 32
5.2大地纬度与归化纬度的关系 32
5.3公共点的选取对坐标转换的影响 34
结论 37
参考文献 38
附录 40
致谢 53
第一章 绪论
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