2020-02-20 16:05:30
1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
1) 全面了解混合制冷剂j-t循环研究现状与文献综述;
2) j-t循环建模;
3) j-t循环参数分析与模拟分析;
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
1) 通过查阅相关文献,撰写相对全面的综述;
2) j-t循环建模;
3) j-t循环参数分析与模拟分析;
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
1). 开学3周完成开题报告;
2). 开学6周完成j-t循环建模;
3). 开学15周j-t循环参数分析与模拟分析;
4. 主要参考文献
[1] kalyan annamalai, ishwar k. puri, milind a. jog, advanced thermodynamics engineering (applied and computational mechanics), crc press, 2011
[2] hao guo, qixiong tang, maoqiong gong, kuiwei cheng. optimization of a novel liquefaction process based on joule–thomson cycle utilizing high-pressure natural gas exergy by genetic algorithm, energy, volume 151, 15 may 2018, pages 696-706
[3] h. c. wang, g. f. chen, x. q. dong, y. x. zhao, performance comparison of single-stage mixed-refrigerant joule–thomson cycle and pure-gas reverse brayton cycle at fixed-temperatures from 80 to 180#8201;k, international journal of refrigeration, volume 80, august 2017, pages 77-91