DN300、 PN50气动固定球球阀设计毕业论文
2022-01-12 20:51:14
摘 要
关键词:气动 固定球 球阀 密封面
This design object is pneumatic fixed ball valve, through consulting the national standard in the field of ball valve, professional literature and "practical valve design manual" and other design manuals, understand the classification of ball valve, valve structure principle, valve development, etc.Learn to analyze the structural mechanism of the ball valve and the stress analysis of the main parts, such as the stability check of the valve stem.In this process, will also master the valve material selection, valve design calculation, the main parts of the valve strength calculation.
The valve body structure is designed as split type and flange connection. The left and right valve bodies and pipes are connected by ring connection surface, and the valve bodies are connected by bolts to ensure reliable sealing. The ball is compressed by the left and right valve seats and upper and lower valve stems. The left and right valve bodies can be provided with grease injection valves with holes, which can reduce the friction torque. A thrust pad is arranged at the shoulder to relieve friction. The ball channel is designed to be full bore, which needs to be on the same axis as the valve body channel. The valve body and the valve cover are connected by screws. There shall be stuffing box and gland on the valve cover. Anti static, anti leakage and anti escape experiments are needed after the design is completed.
Key Words: Pneumatic;Fixed ball;Ball valve;Sealing surface
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国内研究现状 1
1.2.2 国外研究现状 2
1.3 研究目的 2
第二章 气动球阀结构特点 3
2.1 气动固定球球阀结构 3
2.1.1 工作原理 3
2.1.2 球阀分类 3
2.1.3 结构特点 3
第三章 执行标准及材料的选择 5
3.1 气动球阀执行标准 5
3.2 材料的选择 5
第四章 气动固定球球阀设计 7
4.1 固定球球阀的结构 7
4.2 阀体的设计与计算 7
4.2.1 阀体的选材 7
4.2.2 阀体的结构长度及连接面 7
4.2.3 壳体壁厚计算 8
4.3 球体的设计与计算 10
4.3.1 球体流道直径d的确定 10
4.3.2 球体半径的确定 10
4.4 固定球球阀阀座密封比压的计算 10
4.4.1 进口端阀座密封圈对球体的压力 11
4.4.2 阀座密封面的实际工作比压 12
4.5 体腔内介质压力超过1.33p时,阀座自动泄压的计算 13
4.6 双向阀座密封转矩的计算 13
4.6.1 进口端阀座密封转矩的计算 13
4.6.2 出口端阀座密封转矩的计算 15
4.7 固定球球阀阀杆与球体连接部分强度计算 16
4.8 固定球球阀阀杆强度验算 16
4.9 阀体连接螺栓强度验算 18
4.10 阀体连接法兰强度计算 19
4.10.1 法兰颈部轴向应力() 19
4.10.2 法兰颈部径向应力() 20
4.10.3 法兰颈部环向应力() 21
4.11 阀盖厚度的计算 22
4.12 其他零部件的计算 22
4.12.1 填料压盖的计算 22
4.12.2 填料的尺寸 22
4.12.3 衬套的尺寸 23
4.12.4 弹簧的计算 23
4.13 驱动装置的选择 24
第五章 成本经济核算 25
5.1 书籍文献材料费用 25
5.2 设备制造费用 25
5.3 人工费用 25
第六章 总结与展望 26
6.1 总结 26
6.2 展望 26
参考文献 27
致谢 29
第一章 绪论
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.2.1 国内研究现状