2022-02-13 20:50:17
摘 要
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Need for the study 1
1.2 Research purpose 1
2. Literature review 3
2.1 Concept of Meta-cognitive Strategies 3
2.2 Theoretical Framework of Meta-cognitive Strategy 3
2.3 Meta-cognitive studies on EFL Reading in China 3
2.4 Reading 4
3.Methodology 5
3.1 Research Question 5
3.2. Data Collection and Analysis 5
4. Results and discussions 7
4.1. Results 7
4.1.1 The Relationship between Every Meta-cognitive Strategy and Reading Comprehension 7
4.1.3 The Relationship between Overall Meta-cognitive Strategies and Reading 9
4.2 Discussions 10
5. Conclusions 11
5.1 Major findings of the study 11
5.2 Implications 11
5.2.1 Theoretical implications 11
5.2.2 Pedagogical implications 12
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 12
References 14
AppendixⅠ The Questionnaire 16
The completion of this thesis is one of the real challenges I have ever encountered in my life. During this process, I received lots of supports, encouragement and love from so many people. Here I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who have contributed to this thesis.
My sincere and deepest gratitude first goes to my supervisor, Mr. Bao Gu, who gave me valuable advice and guided me through the various stages of writing this paper patiently. During my working on the paper, he helped me selecting topics, accessing the software for treating the data and giving suggestions on some grammatical errors. Without his academical guidance, the work would not have been possible. Furthermore, it is my honor to benefit a lot from his personalities and diligence, which I will treasure in my whole life.
My sincere thanks also go to the students who took part in the collection of data. They are willing to finish the long questionnaire patiently so that I could work on the study.
Special thanks go to my dear friends and fellow students, who have accompanied me throughout the four years at the university.
Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my parents for their love and support all these years.
In this study, the relationship between the meta-cognitive strategies and EFL reading comprehension would be focused on. As is known to all, reading is one of the most important parts for students to learn English and understand the western culture. In the college, reading is still one of the most important focus in teaching and learning.
However, the knowledge of strategies is ignored easily. Actually, many English learners still have difficulty in reading, and they lack some necessary reading strategies in the process of reading. As a result, though students have spent a lot of time on reading, they improve little in their marks. Therefore, not only should the learners know about the relation between the strategies and reading, but also should put them into practical reading effectively, which is very important.
This thesis reviewed some previous theories and studies on meta-cogitative strategies in reading comprehension. The author delivered questionnaire on the application of meta-cognitive strategies to 30 students in the same major. As the same time, a test for EFL in the level of reading comprehension would be taken place. Then the author used SPSS 17.0 to analyze the correlations between meta-cognitive strategies and the variables. There is one main question to study:
Is there any relationship between every meta-cognitive strategy and EFL reading comprehension?
The objects used selective attention most, the mean of which was 3.56. On the contrary, evaluation was used least, the mean of which was 3.09. At the same time, there is a significant correlation between meta-cognitive strategies and EFL reading(r=.463, plt;0.01).
The conclusion have been achieved through analysis. Some students use meta-cognitive strategies in English reading sometime. This situation should be improved. And these students who preferred to use meta-cognitive strategies are the top ones. They used better than the middle classes. Last but not least, the better English achievement is, the higher level they have. Also, the use of meta-cognitive strategies can help improve EFL learner’s ability in reading comprehension.
Key words: meta-cognitive strategy, EFL reading, reading score, relationship
很多中国二语习得者在阅读上存在很大的障碍,学生在阅读上缺乏必要的阅读策略。而在实际教学的过程中,在阅读策略方面的知识在传授知识的时候也容易被忽略。所以出现学生花费大量时间和精力,阅读成绩却很难得到提高。因此,在提高阅读能力的时候,阅读策略的掌握,以及有效运用这些策略去解决问题,就会显得非常重要。元认知策略一般是指学习者在学习时,运用计划、管理、监控、评估学习的策略,以提高学习效率,更好地获得知识。根据O’Malley amp; Chamot的理论,有效运用元认知策略可帮助学习者取得更好的阅读效果。
本研究设计了关于大学生在二语习得中元认知策略在阅读上的应用情况的问卷,此问卷是以南京工业大学英语大二的30名学生为调查对象进行的调查,同时对他们进行阅读测试。用SPSS 17.0对统计数据进行分析处理,了解受试者在阅读时使用哪些元认知策略,并尝试揭示元认知策略的使用和阅读成绩之间的关系,从而获得元认知策略与二语习得阅读的关系。本研究主要对以下三个问题进行探讨:
研究结果发现,在阅读中受试者都会在不同程度上使用到一些元认知策略,整体使用水平呈现中等水平,其中注意选择类使用最频繁(mean=3.56),评估类使用最少(mean=3.07)。而通过对阅读成绩和使用元认知策略进行相关分析,元认知策略和阅读成绩之间呈显著相关性(r=0.463, plt;0.01)。
关键词:元认知策略 二语习得 阅读成绩 相关性
1. Introduction
Meta-cognitive strategies ability is closely related to an EFL learner’s reading ability. So far much research has been done on the improvement of EFL reading (Anat Zohar, 1980; J Pelletier, 2006; XU Li-Hua, 2014). But little has been done on the relationship between meta-cognitive strategies and overall reading comprehension. This study is aimed to make a learn about the relationship between meta-cognitive strategies and EFL reading among different EFL learners in order to unearth the relativity and diversity.
1.1 Need for the study
During the past decades, much study has been conducted on the relationship between meta-cognitive strategies and listening or other abilities. And cognitive strategies also have been studied more than meta-cognitive strategies. English reading is a complex, dynamic and multidimensional in our daily life. Actually, the reading comprehension is becoming more and more important. It is very important for students to develop solid reading comprehension skills because statistics show that people who have low reading comprehension ability suffer in academic, professional, and personal pursuits. However, so far the relationship between EFL reading and this strategy has been rarely studied. Therefore, this study is conducted to make a further learning of EFL learners’ reading and the situation where learners use meta-cognitive strategies, in order to see how reading and strategies are related in EFL learners’ ability development.
1.2 Research purpose
The research is directed on the relationship between meta-cognitive strategies and reading among EFL learners. The consequence will help diagnostician to find deficiency in the process of teaching. Furthermore, it’s a great example for EFL to improve the reading ability themselves. Therefore the research can be divided into two parts. First of all, a questionnaire of how about the meta-cognitive strategies the college students use, and reading is made among learners of the same level, and then differences in reading comprehension. Hence some facts about how reading ability and meta-cognitive strategies in EFL learning are related can be detected.
2. Literature review
2.1 Concept of Meta-cognitive Strategies
Meta-cognition’s basis is the thinking about one’s thoughts. The knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition are recognized as two abilities. As for meta-cognitive strategies refers to methods used to help students understand their mind and think about their thinking. The definition is firstly put forward by O’Malley and Chamot(1990). It’s an awareness of what a man is doing and the strategy someone is applying. According to a branch of a series of learning strategies, the way could cause much profound learning and improved achievement. On the other hand, students would be fundamental learners without direction or chance to improve their learning if they don’t choose to use meta-cognition strategies.
2.2 Theoretical Framework of Meta-cognitive Strategy
O’Malley amp; Chamot(1990) said that meta-cognitive strategies involve thinking about the planning for learning, learning process, monitoring of comprehension or production while it occurs. After the learning activity, the self-evaluation has been complicated.There are seven types: planning, directed attention, selective attention, self-management, monitoring, identification and self-evaluation. In Oxford’s study, based on functions on general language learning, meta-cognitive strategies are divided into three sets according to their functions on general language learning: centering learning, arranging and planning for learning, and evaluating learning.
In China, the study on meta-cognitive strategy started in 1970s. Linguist studied it by introducing theories from abroad. Then, they focused on and practiced the objects, which was based on the theories. The practical situation in their own country was taken into consideration and their approaches could be developed.
2.3 Meta-cognitive studies on EFL Reading in China
Actually, a lot of researches have use meta-cognitive strategies on specific tasks. For example, Du Xiaoxin had studied the relationship between cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies and EFL reading. The final result shows that meta-cognitive strategies have a great importance in reading. And the longer time subjects spend, the better achievements will be.
Yang Xiaohu has explored the relationship between meta-cognitive and English reading among Chinese college students. As a result, the close relationship also was improved. Furthermore, meta-cognitive strategies plays an important role in EFL reading. Finally, some suggestions are put forward that teachers should pay attention to the train of meta-cognitive strategies in the process of students’ reading.
2.4 Reading
Reading in a second language is complex, dynamic and multidimensional (Alderson, 2000). This is primarily because it involves interactions among the reader’s inter language competence personal characteristics and external contexts. The past decades have seen research into the nature of L2 reading in which an attempt has been made to understand its nature by investigating reader factors (e.g., L1 literacy, language proficiency, background knowledge, knowledge of genre and pragmatics, Metal linguistic knowledge, meta-cognition, strategy use, motivation and affect) and contextual factors (e.g., text topic and content, text type and genre, text readability, verbal and non-verbal communication; see e.g., Alderson, 2000). Of these factors, the present article focuses specifically on the nature of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies and their relationships to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading comprehension.
3.1 Research Question
The object of the study is the relationship between meta-cognitive Strategies and EFL reading. The author delivered questionnaire on the application of meta-cognitive strategies to 30 students in the same major. All of them are the students from Nanjing Tech University. Before the study, they have known about the definition of the meta-cognitive strategies.
In this study, there are two parts: questionnaire and English reading test. Firstly, the questionnaire is aimed to know about how many kinds of meta-strategies the students usually use in the process of English reading. And whether it had been used frequently or little. The questionnaire is comprised totally four aspects with 21 questions, including planning, selective attention, monitoring and evaluating. Every question has five degrees from A to E. And the questionnaire is made in Chinese like the example in appendix I.
Table 3.1-1 General Questions and Usage Situation
Reading Strategies | Mean | SD | |
Planning | Having goals for reading. | 2.86 | 1.40 |
Having choices according to level when reading | 2.45 | 1.03 | |
Adjusting the speed of reading by time | 3.57 | 1.26 | |
Making plans before reading, like how many books will be read during some time | 2.94 | 1.17 | |
Skimming the titles before reading | 3.63 | 1.12 | |
Self-monitoring | Rereading the unknown sentences | 3.77 | 0.87 |
Understanding the unknown words through the whole sentence. | 3.65 | 0.98 | |
Looking up unknown words in the text | 3.04 | 1.15 | |
Changing ideas after reading the whole article | 2.98 | 1.13 | |
Asking oneself questions for better understanding. | 2.85 | 1.14 | |
Selective Attention | Underlining the important points. | 3.98 | 0.94 |
Concluding every paragraph meaning and writing down | 3.56 | 1.25 | |
Paying attention to the grammar of one sentence. | 3.40 | 1.07 | |
Focusing on the sentence structure when reading. | 2.89 | 1.32 | |
Remembering the content which have been read. | 2.94 | 1.21 | |
Self-Evaluating | Correcting answers after finishing the exercises. | 2.80 | 1.15 |
Having own points of view and understanding. | 3.32 | 1.11 | |
Making conclusions on the relation between the difficulty and own levels. | 2.84 | 1.03 | |
Evaluating own effects and ways of learning before. | 2.91 | 1.19 | |
Evaluating if the reading purpose is achieved.. | 2.75 | 1.15 | |
Considering how to improve. | 3.09 | 1.05 |
The final examination of English reading of this term was taken as the English reading test. The test has totally six articles for reading, each of which has 5 questions followed. The subjects need to choose the correct answer from four choices for every question. 2 points would be got if one answer is correct. Besides six articles, there are ten multiple-choice questions and ten fill-in questions. The student has to fill in the blanks by reading the whole passage so that he/she could make sure about the tense and adjunct words. The total score of the test is 100.
3.2. Data Collection and Analysis
According to the arrangement, all the targeted students were needed to complete the English reading test in 120 minutes together. The author finally achieved the original data, including grades of the questionnaire and marks of the examination. When analyzing, the degree would be taken place by numbers, like changing A into 1, and changing B into 2. Each number means the following:
1 means Never. 2 means Seldom. 3means Sometimes. 4 means Often. 5 means Always.
Entering the data, the software—SPSS would be used for further analysis. The whole analysis was divided into three steps: (1) the dependent variable was the marks of the examination, and statistical analysis system would be employed to list the mean of every kind of variable—planning, selective attention, monitoring and evaluating. (2) different groups, which were formed through the degrees, would be taken into test if they had difference in reading scores with each other. (3) then the relationship between the meta-cognitive strategies and EFL reading could be reached. As for analysis of the study, all the data are input into the software——SPSS.
At last, Pearson correlation would be applied to analyze the relationship between each meta-cognitive strategies and EFL reading comprehension. Finally, the correlation coefficient expresses the relationship between EFL reading and meta-cognitive strategies, including positive correlation or negative correlation.
4. Results and discussions
4.1. Results
The following results can be divided into three sections. Section 4.1.1 addressed the first step raised in the methodology part and section 4.1.2 answered the second general question. The questions in this study were answered by using SPSS and making independent samples T-tests. The variables are ratio data.
4.1.1 Usage Frequency of Meta-cognitive Strategies
Firstly, every kind of variable’s mean would be calculated through descriptive statistics. According to the way of Oxford, the usage frequency could be divided into three levels——high, middle and low level.
Table 1. Standard of Meta-cognitive Strategies Frequency Scale
Mean | Frequency | Evaluation |
4.5-5.0 | High | Always |
3.5-4.4 | Often | |
2.5-3.4 | Middle | Sometimes |
1.5-2.4 | Low | Seldom |
1.0-1.4 | Never |
According to the standard in table 1, the usage frequency of every type of strategies could be list, like table 2. From the whole situation of using the meta-cognitive strategies, 100 percent students had used them. However, the subjects do not use meta-cognitive strategies frequently, they just use them sometimes, and table 2 shows that the students often used every type of meta-cognitive strategies or just sometimes used them when they reading. At the same time, the means show that selective attention was used much more than the other three ones. Then the second one is self-planning. Self-evaluating was used the least.
Table 2. The General Situation of Using Strategies By Subjects
Usage Frequency of Meta-cognitive Strategies (Mean) | Standard of Every Group | The Number of Every Group’s People(n) |
Whole Situation (3.33) | High (3.5-5.0) 请支付后下载全文,论文总字数:30221字
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