2022-03-17 19:36:25
摘 要
关键词:石化污泥 调理剂 脱水性能 理化性质
Effects of different agents on petrochemical sludge dewatering performance
The experiment is done by adding the conditioning agent to the petrochemical raw sludge, under the same reaction conditions, increase the size of contaminant particles to improve the dewatering performance, measured by the CST, polysaccharides, specific resistance, and other proteins in explore the effects of different agents on petrochemical sludge dewatering performance. Experimental results show that the single factor in the determination of Fenton20-5 can significantly improve the content of total sugar and protein were increased by 374.70% and 460.89%, while improving the performance of the dewatering CST reduced 65.74%. Fenton15-5 other single factor in the determination of the effect is not obvious, but in terms of specific resistance was measured in the best, the specific resistance decreased 42.31%, compared to 2.61% Fenton25-5 improved. General terms Fenton25-5 in improving sludge dewatering performance and overall performance of the most obvious, the VSS decreased 4.85%, protein content increased by 334.84%, 355.18% polysaccharide content increased, the specific resistance decreased 39.7%, CST decreased 63.88%, effectively improve the performance of sludge dewatering. And in the determination of different factors, the performance of Fenton's reagent were superior polymers.
Keywords: Petrochemical sludge;Conditioners;Dewatering performance;Physical and Chemical Properties
目 录
摘要 I
术语表 1
第一章 文献综述 2
引言 2
1.1 石化污泥 2
1.1.1石化污泥的来源 2
1.1.2石化污泥的特点 2
1.1.3石化污泥处理面临的问题 3
1.2 污泥调理剂 3
1.2.1生物调理剂 3
1.2.2化学调理剂 4
1.3 调理剂的复配使用 5
1.3.1以混凝剂为主的调理剂复配 6
1.3.2 以絮凝剂为主的调理剂复配 6
1.3.3 以助凝剂为主的调理剂复配 6
1.4 污泥的脱水 6
第二章 实验材料与方法 9
2.1石化污泥脱水性能的实验设计 9
2.2石化污泥来源 9
2.3实验仪器及试剂 9
2.4分析方法 11
2.4.1原始石化污泥理化性质分析方法 11
2.4.2不同调理剂对石化污泥脱水性能影响测定 12
第三章 实验结果及分析 18
3.1污泥的理化性质 18
3.2石化污泥调理前后性质对比 18
3.2.1TS 18
3.2.2VS 19
3.2.3蛋白质 19
3.2.4多糖 21
3.2.5比阻 22
3.2.6CST 23
第四章 结论 25
参考文献 26
致谢 29
英文缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文全称 |
DS | Dry Solid | 干固体 |
TSS | Total Soluble Solid | 总可溶性固形物 |
VSS | Volatile Suspended Solid | 挥发性悬浮固体 |
PAM | Polyacrylamide | 聚丙烯酞胺 |
PAC | Polyaluminium Chloride | 聚合氯化铝 |
PFS | polymer ferric sulfate | 聚合硫酸铁 |
COD | Chemical Oxygen Demand | 化学需氧量 |
SRF | Specific Resistance to Filtration | 过滤比阻 |
CST | Capillary Suction Time | 毛细吸水时间 |
EPS | Extracellular Polymeric Substances | 胞外聚合物 |
第一章 文献综述