2022-04-13 19:59:06
摘 要
关键词:教师公寓 供配电 照明 防雷接地
The Electric System Design of Teachers Apartments in Ninghai middle school
The graduation project is for the electrical design of Teachers’ Apartments of Ninghai Middle School,including power supply, distribution, lighting, lightning protection and grounding . The distribution system of this project is powered by 0.4/10kV that two circuit power supplied from different substation and the diesel generators is used as a standby power supply.The lighting system is designed by using coefficient method for illumination calculation to determine the number of lamps, load calculation, calculation of lighting power per unit area and the layout lights according to specific conditions. Substation design includes determine the location of the substation, transformer capacity, the number of units, the main wiring scheme of high and low pressure systems , lighting design, electrical substation and short-circuit current calculations.The system uses the TN-S system to make effectively grounding. Power distribution mode of trunk type and radiation hybrid is used as distribution line. The estimating times per year on building by thunderstorm is 0.424.On the basis of classification grade of the building lightning protector, the project shall be designed as the twice lightning protection. In the roof, It is preferred to use lightning conductor and lighting strip as lightning arrester and at the same time lightning formation grid should not be greater than 10m * 10m to prevent a lightning attack.
Keywords: Teachers Apartments;Power Supply;Lighting;Lightning protection
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2设计内容 1
第二章 照明系统 3
2.1光照系统 3
2.1.1照明设计标准 3
2.1.2本工程照明灯具选择及其控制情况 4
2.1.3照度计算 4
2.2电气系统 8
2.2.1本建筑照明配电系统设计情况 8
2.2.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 9
2.2.3照明负荷计算 11
第三章 动力系统 17
3.1按需要系数法确定计算负荷 17
3.2本工程配电系统方案 20
第四章 供配电系统设计 22
4.1 供配电系统设计原则 22
4.2 负荷分级及配电方式 22
4.2.1 负荷等级 22
4.2.2 配电方式 23
4.3 电力负荷计算 23
4.3.1 需要系数法 23
4.3.2 计算各个支路的负荷 24
4.3.3 计算总负荷 25
4.3.4 电容补偿计算 26
4.4 变压器选择 27
4.4.1 变压器台数选择 27
4.4.2 变压器容量选择 27
4.5 变电所主接线方案选择 28
4.6变电所平面布置和接地 29
第五章 防雷接地系统设计 31
5.1建筑物防雷等级 31
5.2 接地系统设计 32
5.3 安全措施 33
结语 34
参考文献 35
致谢 37
第一章 绪论