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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与设备工程 > 正文


 2022-07-18 21:35:27  


摘 要


第一章 工程概况 1

1.1建筑概况 1

1.2气象参数 1

1.3建筑结构组成及传热系数的确定 2

第二章 冷负荷的计算 3

2.1外墙和屋顶瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 3

2.2外窗瞬变传热形成的冷负荷 3

2.3透过玻璃窗的日射得热引起的冷负荷 4

2.4内围护结构传热形成的冷负荷 4

2.5人体、照明和设备等形成的冷负荷 5

2.6地下一层消防值班室冷负荷计算 6

2.7空调负荷计算汇总 11

2.8空调热负荷计算汇总 13

第三章 空调方案的确定 13

3.1空调系统的选择 13

3.1.1空调系统的分类 13

3.1.2空调系统方案比较 14

3.2空调系统方案的确定 16

3.3空调水系统方案的选择及特点 16

3.4回风方案的选择及特点 17

3.4.1全空气系统回风系统的选择 17

3.4.2风机盘管加新风系统的选择 18

第四章 送风量计算及设备选型 18

4.1房间送风量计算 18

4.1.1以负一层餐厅全空气系统为例 19

4.1.2一楼驾驶员休息室风机盘管风量计算 20

4.1.3各房间风量计算汇总 21

4.2设备的选型以及个数的确定 23

4.2.1风机盘管的分类 25

4.2.2新风机组选型 26

4.2.3组合式空调机组选型 27

第五章 气流组织 28

5.1 气流组织的基本要求 29

5.2 气流组织的计算 30

第六章 风系统水力计算 33

6.1通风管道的材料与形式 33

6.2 通风管道的设计计算 33

6.2.1风道设计的内容及原则 33

6.2.2 风道设计的方法 34

6.2.3 风道设计的步骤 34

6.3 风管水力计算的举例 35

  1. 通风防排烟设计.........................................................................................................40

7.1防排烟系统设计 40

7.2 地下车库送风排风方式选择 41

7.2.1地下车库送排风量及风口尺寸计算 46

7.2.2 送排风机选择 47

7.2.3管道水力计算 49

第八章 水系统水力计算 50

8.1 空调水系统的形式 50

8.2 水管水力计算 51

第九章 冷热源系统设计 53

9.1 冷热源选择的原则 53

9.2 冷热源机组的选择 54

9.3 冷热源方案的确定 54

第十章 冷冻机房设计 55

10.1 冷水机组 55

10.2 冷冻水泵与其管径的选择 56

10.3 冷却水泵与其管径的选择 58

10.4 膨胀水箱 59

10.5 水泵输配.....................................................................................................................60第十一章 管道的保温 .........................................................................................................61

11.1 保温材料 61

11.2 保温厚度的计算 62

小结 62

参考文献 63

摘 要





关键词: 冷热源 全空气系统 风机盘管加新风系统 节能


Air conditioning design of an office building in Nanchang building area of about 25480m2, floor area 20762m2, floor area 2400m2. Main function: underground garage, equipment room, to one to three layers as large shopping malls, on the ground four to fifteen layer is a large office space, the sixteen layer is the equipment room restaurant,small office space,the locker room manager office.According to the functional features and operation characteristics of air conditioning of different regions, for one to fifteen layers of large space region and the sixteen floor restaurant use the entire air system,centralized and unified convenient air processing; in the transition season, when the outside temperature below room temper aturere quirements may not use the refrigerator, make full use of the outdoor air natural adjustment ability, as far as possible do not cold, heat or less cold, heat to achieve the purpose of air conditioning. For the sixteen layer occupied office, office manager, a fan coil unit and the independent fresh air system in the duty room, the independent regulation room temperature.All air system with primary return air apparatus dew point air supply mode,the fan coil system with independent fresh air way. Each room air condition and air supply volume was determined by computing. Water system adopts two pipe, closed, different programs, a pump, variable flow system.This design according to the specification is also considering the energy saving requirements, through hydraulic calculation to ensure the system to normal operation. In the design are also discussed at the end of theisulation of air conditioning system

Keywords: cold and heat source all air system energy saving fan coil plus fresh air system

第一章 工程概况






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