2022-10-25 14:38:38
摘 要
Design of two 50,000-kilowatt hydropower stations connected into the power system in FuXing
Electric power industry is the foundation of the national economy, is an important pillar industry, it has to do with the country's rise and fall and the well-being of the people have a close relationship, with the development of economy and the rapid rise of the construction of modern industry, the design of the power supply system is more and more comprehensive, system, plant power consumption growing rapidly, the power quality, technical and economic conditions, the power supply reliability index also is increasing day by day, therefore also has a bigger, better for power supply design requirements. With the rapid development of the national economy, the construction of electric power must be followed up. The connection of the power plant in this project has a far-reaching impact on the balance of active power in the power system and the improvement of the reliability and economy of operation.It is of great practical significance to improve the operation reliability of power system, improve the quality of power and reduce the loss of power by how to reasonably select the connection mode and location of power plant, how to optimize the economic index of power network and how to play the role of peak load and valley filling.In addition, the design is very helpful to improve the ability of engineering design.
The main content of this design is two 50,000-kilowatt hydropower stations connected into the power system.
Design of two 50,000-kilowatt hydropower stations connected into the power system includes the determination of the number, capacity and model of the main substation, the determination of the main electrical wiring, the selection and verification of electrical equipment and conductors, etc., and the final determination and drawing of the distribution device form.
This design task aims to reflect our mastery of professional course knowledge and cultivate our ability of comprehensive application of professional course knowledge.
Key words: Main electrical connection,Load flow calculation,Short circuit current,Equipment selection
第一篇 复兴两台五万千瓦水力电站的电力系统联入设计说明书 1
1.1对电厂所在电力系统的地位,作用和用户的分析 1
1.1.1电厂在电力系统的地位与作用 1
1.1.2对用户的分析 1
1.2区域电网有功功率的初步平衡 1
1.2.1有功功率平衡的目的 1
1.2.2有功功率平衡分析 2
1.3待建电厂接入电压等级的确定 3
1.3.1选择原则 3
1.3.2 结论 3
1.4 待建电厂主变台数,容量。型号的选择 3
1.4.1变压器台数的确定 3
1.4.2 变压器容量的确定 4
1.4.3变压器型式的选择 4
1.4.4 结论 5
1.5电厂接入方案的确定 5
1.5.1拟定电网的接线方案 5
1.5.2方案的初步选择 6
1.5.3投资的初步计算 7
1.5.4年运行费用 7
1.5.5结论 8
1.6 网络的潮流分布及电压计算 8
1.7 短路电流的计算 9
1.7.1计算短路电流的目的 9
1.7.2短路电流的计算条件 9
1.7.3 短路点的选取 9
1.8电气设备的选择与效验 9
1.8.1电气设备选择的原则 9
1.8.2断路器选择 10
1.8.3隔离开关选择 10
1.8.4电压互感器选择 11
1.8.5电流互感器选择 11
1.9对所选导线进行校验 11
1.9.1导线的机械强度校验 11
1.9.2导线的电晕校验 11
1.9.3按允许载流量校验导线截面积(发热校验) 12
1.9.4 本章结论 12
1.10典型程序的设计 12
1.10.1 设计思路 12
1.10.2 结构框图 12
1.10.3程序界面 14
1.11 总结 15
致谢 16
最后,再次向所有老师和同学表示由衷的祝福与感谢! 16
参考文献 17
第二篇 复兴两台五万千瓦水力电站的电力系统联入设计计算书 18
2.1主变容量的确定 18