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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2022-11-08 11:46:47  


摘 要





Research on The Construction of Accounting Professional Ethics Based on Craftsman Spirit


In today's economic society, accounting professional ethics is the focus of economic development, and it is the most able to understand the accounting action ability which can adjust the professional relations of the code of conducting. With the faster development of the socialist society under the rule of law and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the "spirit of craftsman" has also been put on the table. And the "craftsman spirit" with the improvement of personal quality and quality has a closer relationship with the construction of accounting ethics, to absorb the spirit of competence, honesty, dedication and seriousness, so that we have a worthy role in the professional identification and moral construction. In recent years, our country has become more and more serious about economic fraud and corrupt interests. Most professional accountants don't realize their mistakes or even ignore them, which greatly prevents the development of social economy.

Although improving moral construction, on the other hand, is a very common in the realistic society is very ordinary, no one has been able to start from "spirit", a new definition for construction of accounting ethics and interpretation, and generally speaking now if there is an accounting fraud, the lack of real accounting information or fraud, with accounting in relation to the moral, not for accounting ethics construction from multiple aspects. This paper will be based on the correct national thought, to our country's accounting professional moral construction research, analysis of the current situation of China's accounting moral deficiency. To the query and research of literature and law, combining with the case and questionnaire model oriented society, from the internal cause and external cause to study the cause of the lack of accounting ethics in our country, put forward suitable for countries with "spirit" of the accounting ethics construction management system and methods, solve the lampblack gas barrier of our country's economy and society, provide a good environment and harmonious ethics.

It can be seen from this paper that we need to build a good moral construction management system, based on the spirit of craftsman, improve the ideological ethics of accountants, eliminate the practice of making false accounts and telling lies, standardize the development path of economic society, maintain economic peace and order, and eradicate from the origin of ideas.

Key words: Craftsman Spirit; Accounting Professional Ethics; Higher Vocational Education; Integrity

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 工匠精神的概述 3

2.2 学校层面 3

2.3 企业层面 3

2.4 社会层面 4

2.5 基于“工匠精神”的会计职业道德 4

第三章 我国会计职业道德建设现状与原因分析 5

3.1 会计职业道德的界定及相关规定 5

3.1.1 会计职业道德的界定 5

3.1.2 会计职业道德的相关规定 5

3.2 会计职业道德环境的现状分析 6

3.2.1 会计人员供过于求 6

3.2.2 会计造假行为相对普遍 6

3.3 会计职业道德环境的原因分析 7

3.3.1 内在分析 7

3.3.2 外在分析 8

第四章 加强基于“工匠精神”的会计职业道德建设措施 10

4.1 完善会计法律法规,加强政府本身监管能力。 10

4.1.1 法律体系的完善和发展 10

4.1.2 建立合理的监管制度 10

4.2 对工作环境进行整顿,提高独立能力 11

4.3 强化高校教育改革,提升职业道德教育 11

第五章 案例分析----武昌职业学院 13

5.1 基本情况 13

5.1.1 学院简介 13

5.1.2 会计职业道德教育的困境 13

5.2 学院会计职业道德教育的实践 13

5.2.1 校企合作的初尝试和探索 13

5.2.2 基于“工匠精神”的实践模式 14

结束语 15

参考文献 (References) 16

致 谢 17

附录 关于会计职业道德调查问卷 18

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



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