基于Spring boot的个人博客网站
2022-12-20 10:26:56
摘 要
关键词:个人博客系统 软件的生命周期 SpringBoot SpringCloud 前后端分离 性能测试
Personal blogs are one of the hot topics on the Internet today.More and more netizens begin to publish their thoughts, feelings and feelings in the form of text, pictures or multimedia on the Internet, so as to share them with friends or other visitors, and the blog system is the platform for these contents.
Therefore, in order to enable more and more people to present themselves to others more easily and quickly, it is necessary to develop an effective personal blog system..Aiming at this demand, this paper first carried out a blog system feasibility analysis, the personal blog system at home and abroad, development prospects, technology selection and so on to carry out an effective and accurate analysis.Then, the author analyzes the function, performance and security of personal blog system.After that, the overall design of the system was carried out, and it was established that the blog system would adopt SpringBoot as the basic framework and SpringCloud as the development. The whole system was divided into different modules according to the types of users, and then refined into various functional modules.According to the overall design, carry on the detailed design, established before and after the end of the separation of the development way, and the realization of the system blog browsing, retrieval, editing, as well as user management and administrator maintenance management and other functions are described.Finally, it describes the test of the system and lists the process and results of functional test and performance test. After testing the function and performance, it is found that the system function is basically complete and can run normally, and the overall operation of the system is normal. However, the system is not very effective in dealing with concurrency, which needs to be iterated and improved
Key words: personal blog system software life cycle SpringBoot SpringCloud front-back stage decoupling performance test
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景、目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 发展趋势 1
1.4 主要研究内容 1
1.5论文组织结构 2
第二章 相关技术基础 3
2.1 Vue.js ElementUI 3
2.2 SpringBoot 3
2.3 SpringCloud 3
2.4 MyBatis 3
2.5 Spring Security 3
第三章 系统需求分析 4
3.1系统需求概述 4
3.2系统功能需求分析 4
3.3系统用户及用例分析 4
3.4系统性能需求分析 6
第四章 系统设计 7
4.1 系统总体设计 7
4.1.1 系统架构设计 7
4.1.2 系统模块结构设计 8
4.2系统模块设计 8
4.2.1 用户管理模块 8
4.2.2 博客管理模块 9
4.2.3目录管理模块 11
4.2.4 系统维护 13
4.2.5 相册管理 14
4.3系统数据库设计 15
4.3.1数据库的模型说明 15
4.4 系统安全与性能设计 18
第五章 系统实现 21
5.1系统的开发环境与工具 21
5.1.1 开发环境: 21
5.1.2开发工具 21
5.2 系统具体实现 21
5.2.1 用户服务模块 21
5.2.2 文章服务模块 24
5.2.3 zuul网关模块 27
5.2.4 前端展示模块 28
5.2.5 前端控制台模块 31
第六章 系统测试 35
6.1 测试环境与工具 35
6.2功能测试 35
6.2.1 正反馈测试用例表 35
6.2.2 正常反馈测试用例测试过程 37
6.2.3 异常反馈测试用例表 50
6.2.4 异常反馈测试用例测试过程 51
6.3 性能测试 56
6.3.1 系统性能测试用例 56
6.3.2 测试结果 56
6.4测试结果 59
第七章 总结与展望 60
7.1 总结 60
7.2 展望 60
致谢 61
参考文献 62
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题背景、目的及意义
Blog 由webLog缩写而来,通俗的讲就是网络日志。博客的概念最早从1997年由Jorn Barger 提出。近年来,博客发展迅速,据统计,全球现在每6秒左右就会发布一篇博客。博客秉承了个人网站自由创作的精神,它以网络为载体,简单迅速便捷地发布自己的生活趣事,所见所得,他还能即时地与浏览博客地人进行沟通,在现在互联网迅速的发展下,他能和一些新兴事物结合在一起,发展成一个集丰富多彩的个性化于一体地综合性平台。