2022-12-23 10:46:07
摘 要
根据江苏省电力公司电力系统规划设计,拟新建一条川林110kV 送电线路。本设计设计步骤是按《架空输电线路设计》和《输电杆塔及基础设计》规程规范计算,并根据电压等级、导地线型号、气象条件、地形情况,完成如下设计内容:计算导地线应力弧垂,绘制成图;选择直线塔类型和转角塔,确定杆塔呼称高、金具和绝缘子型号数量以及各种参数;制作弧垂模板,在平断面图上进行反复排杆定位,选择最佳方案;校验杆塔荷载和基础稳定,并绘制杆塔荷载图;最后进行了导线、地线的防振设计。
Design of 110 kV ChuanLin Overhead Line Project
According to the system layout of JiangSu Electric Power Company, there is a 110kV overhead power transmission line to be built in ChuanLin.The design procedure is calculated according to the code of "Overhead Transmission Line Design" and "Transmission Tower and Foundation Design". This paper mainly include following task in term of the voltage rank, the type of conductor and ground wire, the condition of weather and landform. Firstly, we calculate the stress of the wires, and draw out its chart. Secondly, we choose the type of straight line tower and the corner tower, ulteriorly confirm tower's height, the type and amount of insulators and fittings. Thirdly, we repetitiously arrange the tower position on the plane cross section by the template of arc sag. Fourthly, we check the load of towers and the stability of tower foundation. Finally, we design the shockproof of conductor and ground wire.
The achievements in this paper includes the instruction the book and the account book, in which the formulas and its application are detailedly recorded, in which the design content and points for attention are concretely listed also. Deservedly, the drawings in the appendix belong to the part of the achievements in this paper also.
Key Words:110kV overhead transmission line, the calculation of stress and the sag height ,tower stability, tower load calculation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 5
课题研究目的 5
本课题工作内容 5
第二章导地线设计 6
2.1气象区参数 6
2.2 导线的相关参数 6
2.3导线的比载计算 6
2.3.1自重比载 6
2.3.2冰重比载 7
2.3.3风压比载 7
2.3.4无冰综合比载 7
2.3.5覆冰综合比载: 8
2.4计算临界档距 8
2.4.1有关气象参数 8
2.4.2气象条件参数整理 9
2.4.3计算临界档距 9
2.4.4待求条件参数 11
2.4.5计算应力弧垂 12
2.5地线的相关参数 14
2.6计算地线的比载 15
2.6.1自重比载 15
2.6.2冰重比载 15
2.6.3垂直总比载 15
2.6.4无冰风压比载 15
2.6.5覆冰风压比载 16
2.6.6无冰综合比载 16
2.6.7覆冰综合比载 16
2.7.计算临界档距 17
2.8各气象条件参数 17
2.9.计算应力和弧垂,并绘制其曲线 17
2.9.1应力弧垂计算表 18
2.9.2地线应力曲线图 18
2.9.3 地线弧垂曲线 19
第三章 绝缘子及杆塔的选用 20
3.1.绝缘子串的选取 20
3.1.1.xp-70绝缘子数据: 20
3.2.绝缘子联数确定 21
3.2.1悬垂绝缘子串数 21
3.2.2耐张绝缘子 21
3.3.金具的选择 21
3.3.1悬垂绝缘子串组零件 21
3.3.2耐张绝缘子串 23
第四章 杆塔定位及耐张杆塔头尺寸校验 24
4.1.杆塔型式选择 24
4.2.杆塔定位 24
4.2.1直线塔 24
4.2.2耐张塔 24
4.3制作定位弧垂模板 25
4.4排定直线塔 27
4.5校验杆塔定位 28
4.6.耐张杆塔头校验 30
4.6.1弧垂的计算 30
4.6.2下导线水平线间距校验 30
4.6.3上下导线等效水平线间距校验 30
4.6.4上下导线垂直线间距校验 30
4.6.5上下导线水平偏移校验 30
4.6.6求水平档距,垂直档距 31
4.6.7上横担间隙圆校验 31
4.6.8耐张杆强度设计 32
4.6.9杆塔基础设计 34
第五章 防振设计 36
5.1防振锤型号选择 36
5.2.防振锤安装个数的确定 36
5.3. 导线防振锤安装位置的确定 37
5.4. 地线防振锤安装位置的确定 38
第六章结论 41
谢辞 42
参考文献 43
附录 44
杆塔图 44
截面图 46
间隙圆校验 47