2023-01-30 10:35:27
摘 要
Application of O2O Model in Retail Enterprises: A Case Study of Uniqlo
With the advent of the Internet era, the retail industry has set off a wave of O2O upsurge, online and offline integration has become an inevitable trend in the development of the retail industry. And e-commerce like Jingdong also actively merges with offline suppliers to achieve the resident mode of O2O. Retail enterprises implement the business model of O2O, which enables big data to be transferred from online to offline, and multi-channel marketing can be realized, thus providing consumers with better service. In the new development trend, Uniqlo stands out, but there are also many problems and problems.
In the early days of Uniqlo"s O2O model, it was called an unconventional business model. Uniqlo insists on entity stores as the main business, online business as offline entity stores to attract customers, Uniqlo uses "first APP, then store", "online payment, offline pick-up" and other forms to lead consumers to entity stores. Uniqlo"s O2O model enables online and offline channels to connect, which not only guarantees consumers"shopping experience, but also guarantees the vigorous development of Uniqlo"s physical stores. However, while paying attention to store sales, the situation of Uniqlo online business is not optimistic, and the location of Uniqlo is also overstocked to big cities, and over-reliance on Taobao platform. After analyzing the main advantages and disadvantages of Uniqlo"s O2O model, combined with relevant theories, Uniqlo can provide implementable countermeasures, hoping to bring good enlightenment to Uniqlo.
Keywords: O2O Mode; Retail Enterprises; Uniqlo
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3 研究内容 2
1.4 研究框架 2
第二章 O2O模式在零售企业的应用的文献综述 3
2.1 O2O模式 3
2.2 O2O模式在优衣库的应用 3
第三章 零售业O2O模式的应用 5
3.1 零售业O2O模式的内涵 5
3.2 零售业 O2O 模式的基本架构 5
3.3.1 双线资源 5
3.3.2 双线整合 5
3.3 以苏宁为例的零售商O2O模式应用 6
3.3.1 苏宁易购公司简介 6
3.3.2 苏宁易购O2O模式特色 7
3.4 零售业O2O模式的应用意义 7
3.1.1 实现精准营销 7
3.1.2 实现全渠道应用 7
3.1.3 增加消费者黏度 8
第四章 优衣库O2O模式的应用、问题与对策 9
4.1 优衣库公司简介 9
4.1.1优衣库发展历程 9
4.1.2 优衣库经营模式 9
4.2 优衣库O2O模式的应用 10
4.2.1 优衣库O2O模式基本构架 10
4.2.3 优衣库O2O模式的特色 11
4.2.4 优衣库与苏宁O2O模式比较 12
4.3 优衣库O2O模式存在的问题 13
4.3.1 线上服务水平低 13
4.3.2 线下门店地域分布不均 13
4.3.3 供应链隐患 14
4.3.4 物流配送时间长 14
4.4 优衣库O2O模式的改进对策 15
4.4.1 加大线上投入 15
4.4.2 培养O2O人才 15
4.4.3 扩充中小城市的实体店 15
4.4.4 优化供应链配置 15
4.4.5 建立自有第三方支付平台 16
4.4.6 优化物流配送 16
结 论 17
致 谢 18
参考文献(References) 19
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
图1.1 2011-2016年百家重点大型零售企业零售增速