2023-03-03 16:50:01
摘 要
Cement pipe coaxial dual-input dual-output reducer design
Vertical rotating radial pipe extrusion technology has become an important process cement pipe processing technology. In recent years, domestic enterprises continue to introduce advanced foreign technology and equipment radial pressing, while referring to assimilation, and a certain degree of independent research and development to improve the design. Under certain conditions, to design and manufacture of domestic equipment, for example, a coaxial transmission with dual input dual output reducer, the rotation radial pressing cement pipe machine and so on.
After years of development, the radial squeeze cement pipe technology and processing equipment in the country already has a certain scale. This process has unique advantages in terms of production of cement pipe smaller diameter. Having high production efficiency, good processing quality characteristics
The issue is to improve the design of coaxial dual-input dual-output gearbox. The actual processing to meet the needs of the various components to ensure the process can meet the design requirements. Improved content is increased by floating supports cantilever shaft, to increase the stiffness of the cantilever axis of the shaft and increase bearing life.
Keywords: floating support; dual-input dual-output; reducer
目 录
摘 要............................................................................................................................................. I
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………. II
第一章 引言 1
1.1水泥制管技术的发展历史 1
1.2国内和国外对立式旋转径向挤压的水泥制管技术的研究现况 2
1.3本次课题改进设计的研究内容和意义 3
第二章 课题方案的论证和可行性分析 4
2.1课题的提出 4
2.2此次改进的主要内容 4
2.3改进方案的可行性分析 4
2.4本次改进设计需要解决的主要问题和难点 5
2.5本课题的创新点 6
第三章 减速器装配图的改进设计 7
3.1三维装配改进设计 7
3.2二维的装配图改进说明 9
3.3重要零件的图纸说明 11
第四章 重要零部件的选择以及校核计算 14
4.1概述 14
4.2悬臂轴的轴径校核 14
4.3悬臂轴上的轴承寿命计算 18
4.4 两端齿轮轴的校核 23
第五章 结束语 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
第一章 引言
离心式制管机的工作原理是:“在模具内混凝土高速旋转,从而使其产生较大的离心加速度进而具有离心力,水泥或者混凝土在离心加速度作用下聚集并纷纷挤向模具内模的内壁处,同时排出水泥料中的空气和多余水分,这样使其密实成型水泥管,而获得较高的强度,但是有产生的噪音大,水泥管内壁形状不均匀的缺点。可以生产内径200 mm—1200 mm 长2米到5米的水泥管。广泛应用于排水性能要求不是很高的深井,以及城市的普通排水系统,和高速公路等排水工程。[2]”并且都能满足设计的需求。