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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2023-03-10 09:06:20  


摘 要



自上世纪九十年代以来,面向对象的程序设计技术在全球电子软件行业带起了一股潮流,在众多语言中,面向对象程序设计的,visual c 6.0将软件设计方案同简洁明了软件开发环境完全的融合,引起了众多设计师们的关注。

在本次毕业设计中,我的设计任务是对真实控制对象——网络炉温纯滞后控制系统在windows环境下用visual c 进行实验软件的编写,主要涉及到MFC编程和Sockets端口,包括菜单,弹出窗口,信息窗口。可以达到较为准确的控制精度。最终实现了计算机和炉温控制装置间的数据传输,以及对炉温有效的控制。

关键词:纯滞后控制;Visual C ;网络编程。

Furnace temperature Pure lag Control System of Computer Network Based on Data Acquisition Card——Control terminal


In the human living environment, the temperature plays an extremely important role. Temperature is one of the common process parameters in industrial production. Any physical change and chemical reaction process are closely related to temperature. Therefore, temperature control is an important task of production automation.

Computer control using a computer to control a dynamic object or process, the computer instead of the automatic control system in the conventional control equipment, the dynamic system to adjust and control, is the automatic control system used in a technology and equipment innovation. The rapid development of computer technology, and nowadays, people can deeply feel the computer in life and scientific research and other fields play an important role.

Since the 1990s, object-oriented programming technology in the global software industry set off a wave, in a large number of object-oriented programming language, visual c 6.0 programming method and visual software development environment perfect Combination, one appears to be the attention of the majority of designers.

In this graduation project, my design task is the real control of the object - the network furnace temperature pure lag control system in the windows environment with visual c for the preparation of experimental software, mainly related to MFC programming and Sockets ports, including menus, Pop-up window, info window. Can achieve a more accurate control accuracy. The final realization of the computer and furnace temperature control device between the data transmission, as well as effective control of the furnace temperature.

Keywords: Pure lag control;Visual C ;network programming.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 互联网概述 1

1.3 工程中的纯滞后现象及其解决方法 1

1.4 网络炉温实验平台及数据采集卡 2

第二章 控制端平台的建立及网络编程 4

2.1 控制端平台概述 4

2.1.1 界面布局 4

2.1.2 功能简介 4

2.2 系统框图简介 4

2.3 网络编程原理 5

2.4 socket编程简介 5

2.5 控制端/客户端模式 6

2.6 套接字的使用 6

第三章 网络炉温纯滞后控制系统的实现 8

3.1 系统建模 8

3.2 纯滞后控制端的基本原理 9

3.3 方案选择 9

3.4 方案实现 9

3.5 程序各部分功能的实现 10

3.5.1 网络部分 10

3.5.2 纯滞后控制算法 20

3.5.3 数字示波器软件功能 21

第四章 总结 22

致 谢 23

主要参考文献(References) 24

第一章 绪 论

1.1 引言


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