2023-04-01 14:57:29
摘 要
关键词:安卓;音乐播放器 ;移动开发
Android-based music player
Ever since the Internet began to rise, development of the Internet can be used simply to describe the ever-changing. In 1996 the rise of Java development by the year 2000 Web development has become mainstream, the development of the Internet is now mobile development has come to the front of the times tide, for the development of three major mobile platforms, Android platform is undoubtedly the most number of users a platform. Android is an operating system to establish with a high degree of freedom and open source on Linux kernel, open source advantages with high barriers to entry and low, so the majority of application developers favor.
This article is to the Android mobile development platform, details the history of the Android development platform, as well as future prospects. Then describe how quickly and effectively build Android development environment, begin to develop a pleasant journey through. For the development of Android music player this project made a detailed needs analysis and detailed design, project development combined with the characteristics of the Android music player is divided into two parts to design and complete, is part of the music player view completion, through the window layout is complete interactive music player and users. The other part is the music player to achieve specific functions by Android itself has a variety of components and interfaces from the Java programming language to implement the various functions of the music player.
Keywords: Andrews;music players;mobile development
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1开发背景 1
1.2开发目的 1
1.3研究现状 1
第二章 Android简单介绍 3
2.1安卓简介 3
2.2安卓体系结构介绍 3
2.2.1操作系统层(OS) 3
2.2.2各种库(Libraries)和Android运行环境(RunTime) 3
2.2.3应用程序(Application) 3
2.2.4应用程序框架(Application Framework) 4
2.3安卓开发环境的搭建 4
2.3.1 JDK的安装和Java环境变量的设置 4
2.3.2安装Eclipse 6
2.3.3安装Android SDK 7
2.3.4安装配置ADT 9
第三章 音乐播放器的需求分析 10
3.1安卓音乐播放器项目目标 10
3.2Android音乐播放器的可行性分析 10
3.2.1Android音乐播放器的社会可行性分析 10
3.2.2Android音乐播放器的经济可行性分析 10
3.2.3Android音乐播放器的技术可行性分析 10
3.3Android音乐播放器的功能分析 11
3.3.1Android音乐播放器的基本控制需求 11
3.3.2Android音乐播放器的播放需求 13
3.3.3安卓音乐播放器的下载需求 14
3.4Android音乐播放器的系统流程图和功能结构图 15
3.5.Android音乐播放器界面需求 16
3.5.1Android音乐播放器的性能要求 16
第四章 音乐播放器的详细设计 17
4.1音乐播放器开机画面 17
4.1.1开机画面的界面设计 17
4.1.2开机动画功能的实现 18
4.2音乐播放器的播放界面 18
4.2.1音乐播放器音轨的实现 20
4.2.2音乐播放器切歌以及播放暂停功能的实现 21
4.2.3音乐播放器播放模式的实现 23
4.3音乐下载 23
4.4音乐歌词下载 24
4.5数据存储 24
4.5.1SharedPreferences 25
4.5.2File 25
4.5.3SQLiteDatabase数据库 25
第五章 总结 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
第一章 引言