2023-06-02 08:55:42
摘 要
Abstract: With the vigorous promotion of the new curriculum reform,new curriculum standard shows the new navigation of education and teaching to general teachers and students.In order to adapt to the need of the quality education and the new curriculum reform,the role of teachers and students has greatly changed.The teacher is no longer in the center of the classroom,and the student is no longer just the passive knowledge receiver.The new curriculum standard asks the teacher to make the center of gravity down and the classroom back to students when teaching.And the student is required to give full play to the role of learning master,which needs the student to study more actively and more flexibly.Because the new standard is a great challenge to the traditional education and teaching view,the friction produces between teachers and students in the process of practice,influenced by traditional ideas.And new problems produce after changing the roles between teachers and students because of the limitation of their own quality.
Keywords: new curriculum standard,teachers and students,roles,change,problems
目 录
1 引言........................................................ 3
2 新课标下教师的角色变化......................................3
2.1 由知识权威者向知识探索的合作者转变 .............................3
2.2 由教学活动的主宰者向学生学习活动的组织者转变..................3
2.3 由知识的传递者向学生学习能力的引导者转变 ......................4
2.4 由知识考核评价者向激发学生学习动机者转变.......................4
2.5 由忠实“教书匠”向研究者转变.....................................5
2.6 由授业者向学习者的转变...........................................5
3 新课标下学生的角色变化.............................................5
3.1 由问题回答者向质疑者转变.........................................5
3.2 由知识被动接受者向主动参与者转变................................6
3.3 由教学信息的获得者向信息的探索发现者转变.......................6
3.4 由个体的独立学习者向小组合作学习者转变.........................6
3.5 由被评价者向评价者转变............................................7
4 新课标下师生角色转变中出现的问题..................................7
4.1 因传统惯性影响而受到拘束...................................7
4.2 教师误入“不讲”的误区.....................................7
4.3 教师难以驾驭课堂...........................................7
4.4 学生心绪不稳.......................................................8
5 对新课标下的师生的思考............................................ 8
5.1 教师自身基本功的提升势在必行............................... 8
5.2 端正对学生的态度至关重要.........................................8
5.3 学生学习方式的转变是新时代的要求................................8
1 引言