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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 正文


 2024-01-24 16:45:17  


摘 要



Abstract: Education career is the social public career, it is dependent on the public finances, Speeding up the development of education in our country and strengthen the government investment in education is the material base, it is an important measure to improve the use of education funds .With the rapid development of urbanization and economy, the current financial management system and management mode of primary schools is increasingly difficult to adapt to the changes in the new situation. Contradiction is becoming heavier and heavier.Faced with how to strengthen the management of rural primary and secondary schools, adjusting the relationship between primary and secondary schools and rural education institution, promoting urban and rural compulsory education balanced and the realization of the problem of “nine year compulsory education”. In this paper, the integrated use of literature, comparative analysis, interview and investigation method, through to the management system of compulsory education in the history of financial management mode change, delving into the new financial management status quo of education management in the new period of field test and multi-angle analysis and research about the trend, especially by a representative of the current popular "school financial tube" area of the management mode of research and analysis,The author thinks that, to establish and perfect efficient safety management mechanism and effective supervision mechanism is the mechanism for ensuring adequate funding for rural compulsory education reform success or failure key, must at the same time of increasing financial investment, overall planning, comprehensive advance.

Key words:the financial management of village primary schools,model, school financial managed by country,supervision mechanism



目 录

1 引言 4

1.1 问题的提出与研究意义 4

1.2 本文研究思路 4

2 小学经费管理模式的理论基础 5

2.1 经费管理模式定义 5

2.1.1 农村小学经费管理模式的特征 5

2.1.2 农村小学经费管理与各级政府部门间的关系 5

2.2 农村小学经费管理模式中的委托代理关系 5

2.3 文献综述 6

2.3.1 国内研究成果 6

2.3.2 国外研究成果 7

3 新时期农村小学经费管理模式现状及存在的问题 7

3.1 靖江财政对教育事业的支持 7

3.2 “校财区管”模式 8

3.3 靖江农村小学经费管理存在的问题 8

3.3.1 农村小学经费使用过程中的腐败问题 8

3.3.2 财政会计集中核算模式阻碍教育事业发展 9

3.3.3 整体规划中的学校合并易导致经费混乱 9

4 完善靖江农村小学经费管理模式的对策建议 9

4.1 完善靖江农村小学经费管理模式的监督体系 10

4.2 加强农村小学经费管理机构和人员队伍建设 10

总结 11

参考文献 12

1 引言

教育是一个民族崛起的基石,是我们国家第一优先级的先导性产业。从长远角度看,教育通过培养大量关键人才,继而实现国家社会的长远发展。通过比对各发达国家的历史发展进程,易发现教育是国家进步发展的根本动力,也是促进国家经济、社会、思想、文化与科技等全面发展的核心关键。同时,教育推动了社会发展,促进了社会公平。因此,无论之于个人还是放大至整个国家,甚至对于这个世界来说,教育事业的大力投资都是极具战略性的。党的十七大报告指出:“教育是民族振兴的基石;优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国” [1];党的十八大报告指出:“努力办好人民满意的教育,教育是中华民族振兴和社会进步的基石。要坚持教育优先发展,全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持教育为社会主义现代化服务的根本任务” [2]。经历了60多年的风风雨雨,中国人民坚守社会主义信念,共同努力,用全国人民的每一滴汗水浇灌中国教育这棵不断茁壮的大树。我国的教育事业焕然一新,蒸蒸日上,前途光明。尤其是农村小学教育方面。无论是师资力量的建设,教学媒体的更新,还是教育经费的增加,都给新时期农村小学教育的发展提供了强大动力。

1.1 问题的提出与研究意义


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