基于英法双语学习相互影响的语言迁移研究 A Research on Language Transfer of the Mutual Influence in English-French Bilingual Learning文献综述
2020-04-21 16:21:03
Inthe narrow sense, language transfer refers to the influence of the mothertongue on the acquisition of a second language, including linguistic influencessuch as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and semantics. Therefore, in thepast, the study of language transfer at home and abroad mainly focused on the second-languageacquisition aspect, in other words, the study of the effect of mother languageA on the acquisition of foreign language B. However, language transfer in thebroad sense can refer to the impact of the commonalities and differencesbetween the target language and any other language that has been learned (or isnot fully learned). Nowadays, a surging number of colleges and universitieshave set up bilingual acquisition major, and the interaction between languagesis more complicated under the multilingual compound mechanism, so it isnecessary and valuable to explore the phenomenon of language transfer in thenew situation. Taking English-French Classes in Wuhan University of Technologyas an object for in-depth interviews and case studies, this paper studies thelanguage transfer of two foreign languages' mutual influence in the process ofEnglish-French bilingual learning, that is to say, the interaction between thestudy of foreign language B and C.
Inaddition, language transfer includes the influence of factors other thanlanguage, such as thinking mode, cultural tradition, and social history and soon. As the social science developing, the phenomenon of language transfer has spilledout of the linguistic category. After 90's, some domestic and foreign scholarshave tried to study it from historic and cognitive-psychological perspective,and the related theories are very abundant, but given the times, it remainsdoubtful whether the old theory is applicable today. Although this researchfocuses still on the field of linguistics, the English-French class is thefirst bilingual experimental class in Hubei province, which has high researchvalue and pioneering significance.
Objective:to find out the influencing factors and provide a reasonable solution for themthrough in-depth investigation and research, so as to add valuable researchmaterials to the field of language transfer.
Formultilingual learning: if multilingual learners can use the positive effect oflanguage transfer correctly, they can improve the learning effect, save thetime cost, maximize combined benefits, integrate and promote each other.
Formultilingual teaching: bilingual acquisition major is a new field in china,mostly in the experimental class or in the pilot class, so the researchdirection has certain value, which can help the development and furtherimprovement of multilingual cultivation specialty.
{title}2. 研究的基本内容与方案
{title}Inorder to objectively and comprehensively understand the process of learning twoforeign languages, to record the learning methods used and the learningexperience acquired by the students and to assess and analyze potentiallanguage transfer phenomena, the focus-group interview and case analysis willbe conducted in two English-French Classes in Wuhan University of Technology(Grade 2014 and 2015) . At the same time, in order to ensure the credibilityand objectivity of the research materials, the choice of interviewees willcover students of different academic levels, different foreign language basesand different learning styles. Interviews take two different forms,face-to-face interviews and telephone interviews, depending on the actualsituation, and to maintain their traceability, the recording will be kept afterthe consent of the interviewee.
Questionsare presented as follows (But will not be limited to these ones):
1.Foreign languages foundation in first year, the current level of foreignlanguages proficiency?
2.Classroom learning vs. after-school learning, study plan, learning length,intensity and efficiency?
3.What are some of the difficulties encountered in starting a second foreignlanguage?