2020-05-01 08:50:06
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
要求: 1、本课题要求学生查阅有关专业文献,完成合成路线相关设计。
2. 参考文献
1.Gulati R, Saxena RK, Gupta R. A rapid plate assay for screening L-asparaginase producing microorganisms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 1997;24:23-6. 2.Mahajan RV, Saran S, Saxena RK, Srivastava AK. A rapid, efficient and sensitive plate assay for detection and screening of L-asparaginase-producing microorganisms. FEMS Microbiology Letters 2013;341:122-6. 3.Takenaka O, Tamaura Y, nishimura Y, Inada Y. D, L-aspartic acid p-nitroanilide as a substrate for the assay of asparaginase. Journal of Biochemistry 1971;69:1139-41. 4.Ylikangas P, Mononen I. A fluorometric assay for L-asparaginase activity and monitoring of Lasparaginase therapy. Analytical Biochemistry 2000;280:42-5.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.12.01-2018.12.31:查阅资料、方案论证、撰写开题报告 2019.01.01-2019.02.28:完善课题研究方案、完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告 2019.03.01-2019.03.31:完成合成实验与材料表征 2019.04.01-2019.04.30:完成光物理测试与实际应用 2019.05.01-2019.05.31:数据处理与论文撰写