2020-05-20 21:10:00
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
1.henderson, m. a. the interaction of water with solid surfaces: fundamental aspects revisited. surf. sci. rep. 46, 5#8211;308 (2002).
2.singh ramesh,rajput nav nidhi,he xiaoxia,monk joshua,hung francisco r.molecular dynamics simulations of the ionic liquid emim tfmsi- confined inside rutile (110) slit nanopores.physical chemistry chemical physics.2013,38,16090-16103.
3.jug k,nair n. n,bredow t.molecular dynamics investigation of water adsorption on rutile surfaces.surface science.2005,1,9-20.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2016年3月-4月中旬 查阅文献,开题
2016年4中旬-5月中旬 模拟实验,数据处理