2021-04-04 23:34:21
摘 要
With the needs of urban development, more and more polluted soils are left behind by the relocation of a large number of factories, and more and more attention has been paid to the disposal of polluted soils by the state. At present, the treatment of contaminated soil is mainly through physical methods, which will eventually cause secondary pollution. Therefore, it is a very effective measure to use contaminated soil to sinter lightweight aggregate at high temperature.
With the application of polluted soil in lightweight aggregate, the economic and environmental evaluation of the production process has attracted many attention. This paper mainly discusses the economic and environmental evaluation of lightweight aggregate preparation from contaminated soil from the perspective of the project. The environmental quality and economic evaluation are carried out according to the engineering and technology of preparing lightweight aggregate from contaminated soil. the following conclusions were obtained: The use of contaminated soil to prepare lightweight aggregates can achieve the effects of reduction, resource and harmlessness, and will not have obvious adverse effects on the surrounding environment; in addition, it can reduce production costs, obtain stable annual profits, and improve local GDP. Meanwhile, it can drive the development of relevant local industries. In the end, economic and environmental benefits can be coordinated to the maximum extent.
Key Words:Lightweight aggregate;high temperature sintering;environmental evaluation;economic evaluation
目 录
第1章 绪论……………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 污染土壤 2
1.3 土壤重金属污染治理方法 3
1.4 环境和经济性评价方法 3
1.4.1 环境评价方法 3
1.4.2 经济评价方法 4
1.5 主要研究内容 6
1.5.1 研究目的 6
1.5.2 研究内容 6
第2章 污染土壤制备轻集料工程分析………………………………………………..8
2.1 工程概况 8
2.1.1 项目性质 8
2.1.2 主要建设内容 8
2.2 工艺流程简述 9
2.2.1 工艺流程 9
2.2.2 工艺方案说明 9
2.2.3 陶粒制备原理 11
2.3 污染物产生及排放情况 12
2.3.1 废水 12
2.3.2 废气 13
2.3.3 噪声 14
2.3.4 固废 14
第3章 污染土壤制备轻集料环境质量评价………………………………………….16
3.1 环境影响分析 16
3.1.1 主要污染物产生及预计排放情况 16
3.1.2 水环境影响分析 17
3.1.3 大气环境影响分析 17
3.1.4 声环境影响分析 18
3.1.5 固体废弃物影响分析 18
3.2 清洁生产分析 19
第4章 污染土壤制备轻集料经济性评价……………………………………………21
4.1 项目投资成本评估 21
4.1.1 原材料成本分析 21
4.1.2 主要生产设备 22
4.1.3 环保投资费用估算 22
4.2 产品经济评价 23
4.2.1 产能匹配性分析 23
4.2.2 产品利润预算 24
4.3 经济影响评价 24
4.3.1 对当地GDP的影响 24
4.3.2 对带动当地相关产业发展的影响 24
第5章 结论……………………………………………………………………………26
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
在改革开放之后,工业化不断发展,早期通过牺牲生存环境促进发展的趋势已经造成的后患越来越来严重,“毒地”层出不穷[1]。据媒体报道,江门恒鑫开发公司在江门农药厂原址开发小区,经记者询问业主了解到,交房后入住率不到一成,大部分业主表示不敢居住。原因是小区周围都是废弃工厂,且其土壤未经过处理,经测验得知土壤中的有害物质超标[2]。另外,常州外国语学校污染事件也是类似的实证例子,自2015年9月份学校搬到新校址后,很多学生因为土壤被污染,493名学生出现了各种不适症状,甚至有部分学生出现严重的中毒现象。据调查,学校的地表原来是三家化工厂搬迁遗留下来的空地,学生们出现的这种情况可能与这片 “毒地”有关,原化工厂搬迁后在土壤中会遗留下很多有害的物质,这些有害物质通过其他各种途径进入人体,最终导致学生中毒[3-6]。