2021-11-15 21:36:29
摘 要
In this paper, oleic acid is used to coat fly ash, and fly ash and hydrophobic group of oleic acid-CH3 are combined to prepare modified fly ash, and then mixed with high ferrite low calcium cement to prepare modified cement-based materials with excellent impermeability. The thesis mainly studies the influence of different oleic acid content and different steam curing systems on the mechanical properties and impermeability of high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials.
The research results show that with the increase of oleic acid content, the compressive strength of high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials continues to decrease, but its permeability resistance has been significantly improved. This is because the fly ash is modified by oleic acid, which seriously affects the volcanic ash effect of the fly ash and reduces the compressive strength of the high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials. The dispersion of fly ash in the high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials is very uniform, which makes the structure of the cement-based material dense, thus improving the impermeability of the high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials. The steam curing method can obviously improve the mechanical properties and impermeability of high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials. This is because the steam curing system accelerates the hydration reaction process of clinker minerals and water inside the cement-based material, and accelerates the secondary ash reaction of active SiO2, Al2O3 in fly ash and calcium hydroxide in high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials, making the structure of cement-based materials dense, so the mechanical properties and impermeability of high ferrite low calcium cement-based materials are improved.
Key Words:high ferrite low calcium cement; oleic acid; modified fly ash; compressive strength; steam curing; impermeability
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 水泥基材料的内部基体防水抗渗研究现状 2
1.2.2 水泥基材料的表面防水处理 3
1.3 粉煤灰的应用 3
1.4 存在问题 4
1.5 研究目的及研究内容 4
1.5.1 研究目的 4
1.5.2 研究内容 5
第2章 原材料和试验方法 6
2.1 实验原料 6
2.2 油酸改性粉煤灰的制备 6
2.3 水泥基材料的制备 6
2.4 实验方案的设计 7
2.5 测试方法 7
2.5.1 扫描电子显微镜分析(SEM) 7
2.5.2 接触角测试 8
2.5.3 力学性能测试 8
2.5.4 混凝土抗氯离子性能RCM法实验方法 8
第3章 低掺量改性粉煤灰与蒸养制度对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗压强度的影响 9
3.1 实验方案 9
3.2 粉煤灰掺量对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗压强度的影响 9
3.3 油酸掺量对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗压强度的影响 10
3.4 蒸养制度对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗压强度的影响 11
第4章 低掺量改性粉煤灰与蒸养制度对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗渗性能的影响 12
4.1 实验方案 12
4.2 接触角分析 12
4.3 抗氯离子渗透性能分析 13
4.3.1 油酸掺量对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗氯离子渗透性能的影响 13
4.3.2 蒸汽养护制度对高铁低钙水泥基材料抗氯离子渗透性能的影响 14
第5章 结论与展望 15
5.1 结论 15
5.2 展望 15
参考文献 17
致谢 19
附录1 20
附录2 20
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题背景与意义
海洋基础设施建设一直都是我们国家的经济建设重点,随着我国“坚持陆海统筹,加快建设海洋强国”这一重大发展战略决策的深入实施,对海洋工程相关基础设施建设的需求必然将会增加,因此我国将很快进入海洋基础建设的快速发展的新时期。由于海水中可以对钢筋混凝土产生侵蚀性的离子非常多,主要包括Cl-、Mg2 、SO42-等,以及海洋微生物对海洋工程建筑结构的严重附着,水泥基材料在海洋工程建筑中的应用将会受到复杂的海洋生态环境的侵蚀,这大大缩短了海工工程建筑的使用寿命,并严重制约了当前我国海洋工程建设的发展。“五倍定律”[1]常被用来说明混凝土腐蚀的严重性,在进行建筑结构的设计时,如果为了节约成本而不注重钢筋混凝土受环境影响所造成的侵蚀问题,那么日后将会花费巨额的费用用于对建筑工程结构的维护、加固和维修。因此,研究如何有效提高水泥基材料的抗侵蚀性能是一个非常重要的技术问题。