2020-04-24 11:17:37
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
本毕业论文的内容应包括: 1.摘要(中英文)。
2. 参考文献
[1]Xuerun Li, Alexandre Ouzia, et al. Laboratory synthesis of C3S on the kilogram scale[J]:Cement and concrete research, 108(2018)201-207. [2] Moon. G, Oh. S, Jung S H , et al. Effects of the fineness of limestone powder and cement on the hydration and strength development of PLC concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 135:129-136. [3] Avet. F, Scrivener. K. Investigation of the calcined kaolinite content on the hydration of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) [J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 2018, 107:124-135. [4] Antoni. M, Rossen. J, Martirena. F, et al. Cement substitution by a combination of metakaolin and limestone[J]. Cement Concrete Research, 2012, 42(12):1579-1589. [5] Aqel. M, Panesar. D. K. Hydration kinetics and compressive strength of steam-cured cement pastes and mortars containing limestone filler[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 113:359-368. [6] Cyr. M, Trinh. M, Husson. B, et al. Effect of cement type on metakaolin efficiency[J]. Cement Concrete Research, 2014, 64(64):63-72. [7] K. Vance, M. Aguayo, T. Oey, G. Sant, N. Neithalath, Hydration and strength development in ternary portland cement blends containing limestone and fly ash or metakaolin, Cement and Concrete Composites, 39 (2013) 93-103 [8] Zaribaf. B. H, Kurtis. K. E. Admixture compatibility in metakaolin#8211;portland-limestone cement blends[J]. Materials Structures, 2018, 51(1):33.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.12.20-2019.1.20 确定课题,完成相关的文献检索,确定实验方案,完成开题报告及外文翻译。
2019.1.20-2019.2.25 完成实验的相关准备工作,确定实验的可行性,包括内容的可行性和仪器设备是否支持本实验。
2019.2.25-2019.4.15 完成论文的相关实验部分。