2020-04-29 19:58:36
文献综述 摘要:随着环境的污染与能源的消耗,环境问题与能源问题成为了人类亟待解决的难题。
关键字:热电材料 CTS 掺杂 复合 Abstract With environmental pollution and energy consumption, environmental and energy issues have become a difficult problem for human beings to solve. In the life of people, the application and processing of heat and electric energy are indispensable. In addition to the traditional way of generating electricity, the production of electric energy requires us to find more new ways of generating electricity, and the utilization rate of thermal energy also has much room for improvement. Thermoelectric materials can solve this problem at the same time. The new approach to the two issues has received wide attention. Among thermoelectric materials, thermoelectric materials that are being applied and studied are mainly metal compounds and solid solution alloys thereof, oxide thermoelectric materials, and the like. Many of these thermoelectric materials are toxic or have some damage to the environment, so people began to study environmentally friendly thermoelectric materials. Keywords thermoelectric materials, CTS,doping,compound 1.引言 热电材料,一种可在其固体状态下就可将热能与电能相互转换#8212;#8212;静态能量转换的材料,作为一种新型的能量转换介质,不仅可直接将太阳能、余热废热等转变为电力[1],还可利用电能转变为温差[2]。
并且, 将热电材料用于热能和电能两种能源或能量形式的相互转换中, 不论是作为电源发电还是作为制冷器制冷都有其它方式, 如各类电池和空压机制冷等所不具备的、为其所独有的优势,使其在一定的特殊场合成为其它电源和制冷器所无法替代的必用品。
[3] 目前的热电材料在实际利用过程中存在的问题是其热电转换效率较低(6 % ~ 11% )[4]热电材料与塞贝克效应、珀耳帖效应有关, 较好的热电材料必须具有较高的塞贝克系数, 从而保证有较明显的热电效应, 同时应有低的热导率, 使热量能保持在接头附近。
另外还要求热阻率较小, 使产生的焦耳热量小。