2021-04-29 22:26:51
摘 要
Mobile robot tracking is one of intelligent robots and unmanned in critical technologies. Mobile robot tracking system research designed to provide hardware and software design control equipment, has a certain reference value for the unmanned. Smart car as a mobile robot is a typical representative of this paper, the smart car for the study, Arduino microcontroller development platform based on the market's most popular AVR instruction set as the master device, the use of sensor technology research analysis and design of mobile robot tracking system.
This article first tracking system to compare and demonstration programs, tracking system consists of five modules, namely: master module, the system power supply module, a drive module, obstacle avoidance module, tracking module. Then the mobile robot tracking system was part of the hardware design, the use of infrared detection and ultrasonic distance of road information collection, to achieve effective integration of multiple sensors. Next, after the completion of the hardware of the system software design, using PWM principle of the car speed to be adjusted, further comprising tracking, obstacle avoidance module software design. Finally, the system was tested and analyzed. Under the provisions of the road conditions, the car can autonomously tracking along the track. Tracking process encounters an obstacle to sense in advance to stop avoidance, after the disappearance of the obstacle to continue tracking. The design and implementation of an effective security tracking, to achieve the desired function.
Keywords: Arduino; tracking; sensors; PWM
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3本文的主要研究内容以及组织结构 2
1.3.1本文的主要研究内容 2
1.3.2本文的组织结构 3
第2章 系统总体方案设计 4
2.1系统总体方案分析 4
2.2 控制模块方案 4
2.2.1 Arduino与51单片机性能的比较分析 4
2.2.2 Arduino介绍 5
2.2.3 Arduino的优势 6
2.3系统供电方案 6
2.4驱动方案 7
2.5循迹方案 8
2.5.1循迹方案比较与论证 8
2.5.2循迹原理 8
2.5.3红外探测法原理 8
2.6超声波避障方案 9
2.6.1超声波简介 9
2.6.2超声波测距原理 9
第3章 移动机器人循迹系统硬件设计 10
3.1主控单元选型 10
3.1.1 Arduino的硬件型号 10
3.1.2 Arduino开发板介绍 11
3.2系统供电设计 13
3.3驱动电路设计 13
3.4循迹模块设计 14
3.5 HC-SR04超声波测距模块 15
第4章 移动机器人循迹系统软件设计 18
4.1 软件系统总体设计 18
4.2 运动控制软件设计 19
4.2.1 PWM调速原理 19
4.2.2 方向控制 21
4.3 超声波测距模块的软件设计 21
4.4 循迹的软件设计 22
4.4.1循迹状态的分析 22
4.4.2循迹程序的设计 23
第5章 系统实现和测试 25
5.1系统实现 25
5.1.1实物制作 25
5.1.2程序调试 25
5.2系统测试环境的搭建 26
5.3系统测试 26
第6章 总结与展望 29
6.1 总结 29
6.2 展望 29
参考文献 30
附录A 31
附录B 32
致谢 37
第1章 绪论