2021-05-06 12:22:23
摘 要
1) 研究混沌理论。从混沌理论的提出背景出发,对混沌理论加以了解,简析混沌理论的基本定义以及其特性。并且针对现有的基于混沌理论的图像加密的几种基本方式进行深入研究。
2) 研究基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密算法。设计基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像算法,使用matlab对算法进行实现。对实验结果进行简要分析。
3) 评估基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密算法,并且给出改进方案。从图像的基本特性,例如灰度直方图、相关系数等方面,对加密算法的性能进行评估,针对发现的缺陷,给出改进的算法。使用MATLAB实现该算法,简要分析实验结果。
With the development of technology, gradually people enter an information century. Internet and communication technology are applied to normal life widely. Every day a great number of information is transferred by different communications. Therefore, the security of information gains plenty of concerns from specialists, especially image encryption has became an important research point in the information field. This paper includes the research of encryption technology, using chaotic theory to encrypt the image. It focuses on the logistic algorithm, and designs JPEG color-image encryption based on logistic system. What’s more, it evaluates the function of this algorithm, and proposes an improving plan for the defect.
This paper studies these aspects below:
1) Studying chaos theory. Understanding chaos theory from its background, and analyzing chaos’s definition and feature. And studying the basic image encryption based on chaos.
2) Studying the JPEG color-image encryption based on logistic system. Designing the JPEG color-image encryption based on logistic system and accomplishing it by MATLAB. Analyzing the results.
3) Analyzing the JPEG color-image encryption based on logistic system algorithm, and proposing improving strategy. Accomplishing the improving strategy, and analyzing the algorithm.
The studying result implies that the JPEG color-image encryption based on chaos is easy to apply and it has a high security level. It is an ideal algorithm for the image encryption.
Key words: chaos, image encryption, logistic algorithm.
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究内容及章节安排 3
第2章 混沌理论研究与基于混沌理论的图像加密算法设计 5
2.1混沌理论背景 5
2.2混沌理论定义 5
2.2.1 Li-Yorke混沌定义 5
2.2.2 Melnikov混沌定义 6
2.2.3 Devaney混沌定义 6
2.3混沌系统的特点 6
2.4基于混沌理论的图像加密算法设计 7
2.4.1设计原则 7
2.4.2基于混沌理论的加密算法设计 7
2.5本章小结 8
第3章 基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密算法设计与实现 9
3.1 logistic算法特性分析 9
3.1.1 logistic的倍周期分岔特性 9
3.1.2 Lyapunov指数与混沌参数的确定 11
3.1.3 logistic系统对初值敏感性分析 12
3.1.4 logistic系统的概率统计特性分析 13
3.2基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像的加密算法设计 14
3.3基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密算法的实现 15
3.4实验结果 18
3.5本章小结 19
第4章 基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密算法评估及改进 20
4.1精确性评估 20
4.2统计性评估 21
4.3相关性评估 23
4.4基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密算法的改进方案 26
4.4.1 基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密改进算法 26
4.4.2 基于logistic的JPEG彩色图像加密改进算法的实现 27
4.4.3 实验结果及分析 28
4.5本章小结 29
第5章 总结与展望 30
5.1 总结 30
5.2 展望 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34
第1章 绪论