2021-03-10 23:25:57
摘 要
NFC near field communication as a non-contact close-range communication technology, in recent years gradually deep into our lives. As a common access control system in modern life, the demand for authentication has a higher demand for convenience, security and fastness. With the smart phone technology market has been fully mature, the Internet era to promote, NFC technology in the mobile device support has reached a near-perfect level, so the NFC access control system research is even more important.
The paper mainly studies the design of NFC-based electronic access control system from the perspective of NFC communication technology. In the construction of Web sites using Bootstrap framework, with Node.js building lightweight system server, to achieve in the entire Web site to build electronic access control user services, administrator management system. At the same time in the PC side access control part of the use of the Java language as the basis for the development, with the NFC card reader to achieve the identity of the user authentication, the database part also uses the most suitable for Java, as a whole to bring better users Convenient experience and service.
The research results show that the NFC-based electronic access control system can realize the user registration and login website, purchase the movie ticket, the administrator login view, manage the user's electronic identity information, and the PC end access control system through the card reader to verify the authenticity of the user's electronic identity Function, with a complete electronic access control function.
According to the traditional NFC electronic access control system is based on the NFC electronic access control system is a set of PC-side software, Web site in a closed-loop eco-software system to the cinema administrator identity management system, for example, from the user and Access control system administrator's point of view, completely solve the cinema with two-dimensional code as the user's electronic identity card paper ticket problems, bring the best access control authentication process experience, bring differences and better users experience.
Keywords: NFC technology, electronic access control, Web technology, Java language
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.2.1 国外发展现状 1
1.2.2 国内发展现状 2
1.3 研究内容与预期目标 2
1.4 研究的意义 3
1.5 研究创新点 3
1.6 论文结构 3
第2章 理论技术概述 5
2.1 NFC技术简介 5
2.2 NFC通信模式 5
2.3 电子身份简介 6
第3章. 系统设计 8
3.1 系统框架设计 8
3.1.1 需求分析 8
3.1.2 系统设计构架 9
3.2 系统具体方案 9
3.2.1 PC端设计 9
3.2.2 Web端与服务器的设计 10
3.2.3 数据库表设计 10
3.2.4 用户电子身份设计 11
第4章 系统实现 13
4.1 PC端程序的开发 13
4.1.1 界面设计和交互逻辑的功能实现 13
4.1.2 通信流程和异常处理的功能实现 14
4.1.3 监听读卡器操作的功能实现 15
4.1.4 其他辅助功能的实现 15
4.2 Web端开发 16
4.2.1 Web网页渲染 16
4.2.2 网站与服务器的通信 17
4.3 服务器端开发 17
4.3.1 Node.js介绍 17
4.3.2 Node服务器端实现 18
4.3.3 服务器与数据库通信 18
4.4 数据库搭建 19
5.1 功能测试 20
5.1.1 用户注册及登录功能测试 20
5.1.2 管理员登录及管理功能测试 21
5.1.3 用户购票功能测试 22
5.1.4 PC端门禁功能测试 24
5.1.5 服务器测试 25
5.1.6 数据库测试 26
5.2 性能测试 27
5.2.1 网页渲染性能测试 27
5.2.2 数据库查询性能测试 28
5.2.3 网站数据通信性能测试 29
5.3 测试结果分析 29
第6章 工作总结与展望 30
6.1 总结 30
6.2 展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景
NFC(near field communication近场通信)作为在RFID(radio frequency identification射频识别)基础上演变而来的一种非接触式近距离通信技术,自2003年飞利浦和索尼联合研发并推广至民用、商用市场以来,一直受到极为广泛的关注。尤其随着近年来IOT物联网技术、移动支付等的不断推进,NFC技术再一次被推上了风口浪尖,从2007中国最早一批城市试点NFC交通卡到现在NFC一卡通随处可见,再到以苹果公司为首的Apple Pay移动支付产品,NFC技术可谓是深入到我们生活的方方面面甚至是让人们已经熟悉甚至忽略了这一通信技术的存在,这更证明了其技术前景和可研究性。