2021-10-25 21:29:39
摘 要
5G fronthaul networks are short-range and cost-sensitive, and will be upgraded to use 25G and above, bringing massive amounts of optical modules and Optical device requirements. Different solutions will use different combinations of optical devices whose performance and cost are critical. Therefore, it is necessary to study the optical device testing technology in the pre-process system to reduce the construction cost of 5G fronthaul and solve the problem of testing optical devices. At present, the problems encountered in testing optical devices in China are: high performance requirements for optical devices, many testing projects, multiple high-performance testing instruments. Demand; test process is complex, test takes up space, time and manpower, test cost is high. The device manufacturers are many but not strong, and can replace the import of low-end products, and the upstream dependence on overseas high-end chips is high.
The paper investigates the scheme of the 5G precursor system and the test techniques of some optical devices by comparing test schemes and analyzing the implementation effects, such as DFB laser dynamic linewidth and wavelength measurements based on Mach-Zende interferometer delayed self-extrinsic method, etc.; optical extrinsic method based on PIN detector frequency response test technique and simulation analysis, 3dB bandwidth test based on swept frequency method, etc.; for CWDM multiplexers and the basic performance parameters of the optical ring device test scheme comparison and analysis, as well as proposed improvement measures. In the simulation test, the power spectrum of the spectrometer is analyzed by obtaining the response of the PIN and the measured beat response, and the formula is recursively derived from the Frequency response of PIN. A comprehensive analysis is carried out to study the test techniques and propose solutions for reducing test costs and high test efficiency of the pre-pass optical devices.
Key Words:5G;prequel;Optical device;test
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 5G的关键技术 2
2.1 1G到5G的发展 2
2.2 Massive MIMO技术 3
2.3 波束成形技术 3
2.3.1 波速成形原理 3
2.3.2 波速成形与毫米波 4
第3章 5G前传技术 5
3.1 5G的构架与前传部署 5
3.2 5G前传典型应用场景 8
3.2.1 光纤直驱方案 8
3.2.2 无源WDM方案 8
3.2.3 有源WDM方案 9
3.2.4 有源OTN方案 10
3.2.5 WDM-PON方案 10
3.3 5G前传BiDi技术 11
3.3.1 光纤直驱BiDi的实现 12
3.3.2 WDM技术的BiDi实现 12
第4章 5G前传技术中的光模块与器件 13
4.1 5G前传对光模块要求 13
4.2 5G前传关键光模块技术方案 14
4.2.1 25G双纤双向灰光模块 14
4.2.2 25G单纤双向模块 15
4.2.3 25G可调谐彩光模块 15
4.2.4 100/200G单纤双线光模块 16
4.3 5G前传主要光模块的光器件 16
第5章 光器件与测试技术分析 18
5.1 DFB激光器 18
5.1.1 DFB激光器性能参数 18
5.1.2 DFB激光器静态特性测试技术 19
5.1.3 DFB激光器动态特性测试技术 21
5.2 光环行器 24
5.2.1 光环行器技术指标 25
5.2.2 光环行器测试方法 26
5.3 CWDM器件 28
5.3.1 CWDM复用/解复用器性能参数 28
5.3.2 CWDM器件测试方法 30
5.4 光电探测器 32
5.4.1 PIN探测器原理 32
5.4.2 PIN探测器性能参数 32
5.4.3 PIN探测器频率响应测试 35
5.4.4 PIN探测器性能参数测试 38
总 结 40
参考文献 42
致 谢 44
第1章 绪论
第2章 5G的关键技术
5G技术是最新代次的蜂窝移动通讯技术,比如高传输速率、低延时、大容量系统和大规模连接以及节能都是其性能目的,可以实现Massive MIMO和宽信道带宽。
2.1 1G到5G的发展
从通信技术的变化看:1G主要使用FDMA技术,应用在语音通话上;2G则是将语音数字化,主要是 FDMA、TDMA等多址技术,GSM/PHS/CDMA等不同制式,系统的容量增加了许多;3G是宽带时代,采用CDMA技术,不同的制式WCDMA/CDMA200/TDSCDMA等使得速率较FDMA提升约10倍,满足全球漫游、高频谱利用率等需求;4G是互联网时代,主要采用MIMO技术,FDD-LTE/TD-LTE等不同制式,使得速率提升,手机实现的功能变得更丰富;5G则被划分为物联网和移动互联网量大类,继续采用MIMO技术,但主要是Massive MIMO技术,其拥有更为丰富的空间资源。
表2.1 1G到5G变化
移动通信 | 核心技术 | 传输速率 | 应用电波频率 | 应用功能 |
1G | FDMA | 0-2kbps | 900MHz | 音频 |
2G | TDMA | 10-20kbps | 825-1900MHz | 音频、文字 |
3G | CDMA | 30kbps-50Mbps | 1940-20250MHz | 音频、文字、图片 |
4G | MIMO | 100Mbps-1Gbps | 1880-2635MHz | 高清视频、物联网 |
5G | Massive
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