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 2021-03-12 00:26:58  

摘 要







In computer vision, three-dimensional reconstruction is the process of reconstructing three-dimensional information based on a single view or multiple views.The essence of two-dimensional image imaging process is a mapping from 3D to 2D dimensionality reduction process, because the scene depth information was lost in the process, and from the image recovery scenarios of three-dimensional structure is a challenging inverse problem.3D reconstruction techniques in computer vision has important theoretical research value and broad application prospect, is often used in computer graphics, computer animation, virtual reality, medical image processing in the areas of common scientific issues and core technology.

Compared with the traditional three-dimensional modeling method, the three-dimensional reconstruction method based on image can be restored precise geometry structure and the lifelike texture mapping, and also has some advantages such as simple equipment, low cost and high degree of automation, etc.3D reconstruction and monocular relative to the 3D reconstruction based on stereo visionand then reduces its compute largely.so the monocular 3D reconstruction is one of the popular 3D scene reconstruction technique.

Based on computer technology, virtual reality technology can build a realistic virtual environment where user can interact with the object in the virtual environment by the necessary equipment, combined with the high-technology of interactive technology, real-time technology.And the characteristics of this article is in the 3D reconstruction of the scene into the virtual reality technology, the use of virtual reality with the interactive advantages let everybody feel scene reconstruction brought about by the convenience as well as the sense, which embodies the advantages of real-time 3D reconstruction technology.

Estimating the 3D information from monocular image sequence is still at its early stage, the proposed method can be expected to have various application value in many domains, such as the robot vision, automatic production line and monitoring that use monocular camera to estimate the information of movement and structure.

Keyword: Monocular Vision; Camera Calibration; 3D Reconstruction; Virtual Reality


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 题研究背景 1

1.1.2 课题研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 3

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.3 基于三维重建的平面场景虚拟系统研究内容 4

1.3.1 基于HSV色彩模型对场景进行提取 4

1.3.2 基于场景特征点的场景三维坐标系建立 6

1.3.3 基于成像技术的摄像头内、外参数计算及场景目标三维坐标定位 7

1.3.4 基于3DMax的场景三维重建 7

1.4 本文研究内容及章节安排 7

第2章 基于Hough变换的场景特征角点检测 8

2.1 霍夫变换(Hough Transform) 8

2.2 直线检测 8

2.2.1 直角坐标参数空间 8

2.2.2 极坐标参数空间 9

2.3 曲线检测 10

2.4 任意形状的检测 10

2.5 特征角点检测 11

2.6 本章小结 12

第3章 单摄像头成像原理及内外参数标定 13

3.1 摄像机成像原理 13

3.1.1 摄像机模型 13

3.1.2 参考坐标系 13

3.1.3 摄像机成像过程 16

3.2 摄像机标定 17

3.2.1 传统的摄像机标定方法 17

3.2.2 摄像机自标定方法 17

3.3 张正友标定 17

3.3.1 单应性 18

3.3.2 利用约束条件求解内参矩阵A 19

3.3.3 外参矩阵估算 19

3.3.4 实验验证 19

3.4 本章小结 20

第4章 平面场景的三维重建及虚拟现实 21

4.1 基于平面场景几何特征的摄像头外参数标定 21

4.2 平面场景上静止或运动目标的三维定位 21

4.3 三维场景重构及虚拟现实 22

4.3.1 3D Studio Max使用方法 23

4.4 实验及结果分析 25

4.4.1 室内台球比赛三维重建系统 25

4.4.2 足球比赛的三维重建 29

4.5 本章小结 33

第5章 结论 34

中外文参考文献 35

致谢 37




虚拟现实系统(Virtual Reality System),常常被称为灵境技术,是近年来出现的一项新技术。虚拟现实是计算机模拟创造的一个三维空间,让广大用户身临其境,,能够在不同的视角下充分展示场景的细节,进而更加方便的理解周围环境的信息,其核心是场景的三维重建。


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