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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 地理信息科学 > 正文


 2022-01-07 21:21:34  


摘 要


关键词:经验贝叶斯克里金算法 半变异函数 精度分析 数字高程模型

The DEM interpolation based on Empirical Bayesian Kriging algorithm


Spatial interpolation is the key link in the process of DEM establishment. The selection of interpolation method and its parameters has an important influence on DEM quality. In this paper, the applicability of EBK in DEM modeling is discussed, which can provide reference for DEM construction and interpolation method selection. In this paper, the applicability analysis of EBK algorithm semi variogram, the optimization analysis of search method, the influence of other parameters on the interpolation of EBK algorithm and the comparison between EBK algorithm and common interpolation algorithm are carried out. The accuracy evaluation indexes such as elevation error statistics and contour overlay analysis are used. The main research results are as follows: (1)in plain area, exponential function has the best interpolation effect, and the worst thin plate spline function; The interpolation effect of K-Bessel function is the best in hilly area, the second is thin plate spline function, and the worst is exponential function; in mountainous area, K-Bessel function is the best, followed by thin plate spline function, and the worst index function;(2) the interpolation effect of plain sample with no direction and square direction and 45 ° offset is relatively good; the interpolation effect of hill and mountain sample is the fourth The interpolation effect of direction is the best; when the upper limit of search points is fixed at 15, the interpolation effect is best when the upper and lower limits of search points are 11-15 in plain and hilly sample areas, and 7-15 in mountain areas;(3) the interpolation effect of 450-500 is the best for the plain sample area, and the interpolation effect is better and better for the hill and mountain sample area with the decrease of the subset size; when the overlap coefficient is set to 1-5, the influence on the interpolation effect of the three sample areas is not significant. (4) Compared with RBF, the interpolation effect of EBK is better in plain and mountain sample areas. The tension spline function and thin plate spline function in RBF show relatively better interpolation effect, but there is no kernel function with better interpolation effect in all three sample areas. Compared with OK, the interpolation effect of EBK is better in Hilly and mountain sample areas. In plain and mountain sample areas, the OK partial semi Variogram Compared with IDW, EBK algorithm performs better in all three sample areas.

Key Words: Empirical Bayesian Kriging algorithm; Semivariogram; Precision analysis; Digital elevation model

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究概述 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2研究方法 4

1.3.3技术路线 5

1.3.4论文结构 5

第二章 研究基础 7

2.1经验贝叶斯克里金插值算法简介 7

2.2经验贝叶斯克里金算法中的重要概念 7

2.2.1半变异函数模型 7

2.2.2搜索方式及范围 8

2.2.3其他重要参数 8

2.3经验贝叶斯克里金算法的影响因素 8

第三章 基于经验贝叶斯克里金算法的插值实验 10

3.1实验样区概况 10

3.1.1实验样区及数据 10

3.1.2实验数据预处理 10

3.2精度评价 11

3.2.1交叉验证 11

3.2.2预测误差统计 11

3.3不同变量的插值精度分析 12

3.3.1半变异函数对插值精度的影响 12

3.3.2搜索方式对插值精度的影响 13

3.3.3其他因素对插值精度的影响 16

第四章 经验贝叶斯克里金算法与常用插值算法比较 18

4.1对比插值算法选择 18

4.1.1径向基函数插值算法 18

4.1.2普通克里金插值算 18

4.1.3反距离加权插值算法 19

4.2精度评价 20

4.3对比实验结果分析 20

4.3.1高程误差统计 20

4.3.2地形结构特征 22

第五章 结论与展望 24

5.1结论 24

5.2展望 25

参考文献 27

致 谢 29

第一章 绪论


数字高程模型(DEM,Digital Elevation Model)是通过有限的地形高程数据实现对地面地形的数字化模拟(即地形表面形态的数字化表达),它是用一组有序数值阵列形式表示地面高程的一种实体地面模型,是数字地形模型(DTM,Digital Terrain Model)的一个分支,其它各种地形特征值均可由此派生。


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