2023-11-10 11:58:51
摘 要
不平衡性是中国各个省区经济发展的显著特点,正确合理的认识地区发展阶段,有助于地区制定适宜的发展政策,促进地区经济更好更快发展。省级行政单元在中国区域发展过程中有着举足轻重的影响,是落实区域发展战略和相关政策的重要空间依托。本文先简要介绍了中西方学者在区域经济发展阶段划分上的理论成果,然后借鉴地区人均GDP、居民收入的合成值两个经济技术指标对我国内地31个省级行政单元的数据进行对比分析,居民收入由城镇居民收入和农民纯收入按照城镇化率计算所得,把地区人均GDP和居民收入合成值与世界平均值作商得到标准化数据并与世界区域经济发展水平相比较划分区域不同的经济发展阶段。研究与讨论这些数据和结论的准确性,得出我国各省份的经济发展水平相对世界经济于来说还处于不发达状态,我国省区之间的差距也比较悬殊,我国的经济发展总体上还有很大的上升空间。关键词: 发展阶段,人均GDP,收入,省区
Abstract:Imbalance is the distinctive features of different provinces in China economic development, the correct understanding of reasonable regional development stage, help areas suitable for the development of the policy, promote regional economic better and faster development. The provincial administrative units play a significant role in the development of China"s regional development, which is an important space for implementing regional development strategies and related policies. This article first briefly introduced the Chinese and western scholars on the regional economic development stage division of the theoretical results, and then draw lessons from regional per capita GDP, income of both economic and technical index of synthesis value data of 31 provincial level administrative units in mainland China, this paper compares and analyzes of resident income of urban residents income and net income of the farmers in accordance with the urbanization rate is calculated, the per capita GDP and average value and the world income synthesis as traders get standardized data and compared with the world level of regional economic development area divided into different stages of economic development. Research and discuss the accuracy of these data and conclusions, it is concluded that the provinces in our country"s level of economic development is still in the less developed compared with the world economy in the state, the gap between provinces and autonomous regions in China is different, our country"s economic development on the whole, there are a lot of space.
Keywords:Development stage, Per capita GDP, Income, Provinces and autonomous regions
目 录
1 引言 4
2 研究方法与数据来源 4
2.1 研究方法 4
2.2 数据来源 5
3 中国各省区发展阶段比较分析 5
3.1 地区人均GDP数据分析 5
3.1.1 1980年地区人均GDP数据分析 6
3.1.2 1990年地区人均GDP数据分析 6
3.1.3 2000年地区人均GDP数据分析 6
3.1.4 2010年地区人均GDP数据分析 7
3.1.5 2016年地区人均GDP数据分析 7
3.2 地区收入合成值数据分析 7
3.2.1 1990年地区人均收入水平数据分析 8
3.2.2 2000年地区人均收入水平数据分析 8
3.2.3 2010年地区人均收入水平数据分析 9
3.2.4 2016年地区人均收入水平数据分析 9
3.3 地区标准化平均值数据分析 9
结论 14
参考文献 16
致谢 17
1 引言
2 研究方法与数据来源