2021-03-25 22:46:50
摘 要
关键词:负面清单 国家安全审查 信息报告制度
On May 23, 2017, the 35th session of the Central Committee for Deepening the Reform of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) examined and approved the Catalog of Foreign Investment Industries (revised in 2017). The meeting decided that China would adopt a negative inventory model to promote foreign investment and Revised foreign investment industry guidance directory, the industry guide directory published, China will fully implement a negative inventory system. The full implementation of the negative inventory system is conducive to further attract foreign investment, so that China better participate in international competition. But at present, in the supervision of foreign investment, China's foreign regulatory system is not complete, the national security review system has no unified legislation, information reporting system is only present in the idea, you want to implement the specific Long preparation time, in addition, there are too many administrative and administrative supervision and other issues. Therefore, when we study the foreign supervision system of our country, we mainly analyze the shortcomings of foreign investment supervision in China from the aspects of supervision and entry supervision after the entry of foreign capital, and analyzes the current situation of foreign investment supervision system in China. Put forward the proposal to improve the foreign capital supervision system. It is hoped that this paper can play a certain reference role for legislators in improving foreign capital supervision system.
Key words: negative list of national security review information reporting system information sharing platform
第1章 引言 1
第2章 中国外资监管制度的概述 2
2.1外资监管制度的沿革 2
2.2 外资监管的意义 4
第3章“一带一路”战略下外资准入制度的变革 5
3.1 “负面清单”新模式的全面实施 5
3.1.1 “负面清单”的含义 5
3.1.2 “负面清单”的进步意义 6
3.1.3 “负面清单”模式下的不足之处 7
3.2 逐项审批制向备案制的转变 8
3.2.1 备案制度的内涵 8
3.2.2 备案制度的法律意义 9
3.2.3 备案制度的不足 9
3.3 国家安全审查制度的建立 10
3.3.1 国家安全审查制度的立法发展 10
3.3.2 外资并购国家安全审查制度的内涵 11
3.3.3 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区下的国家安全审查制度 11
3.3.4 《外国投资法(草案)》中体现出来的国家安全审查制度 13
第4章 外资准入监管制度的现状评析 15
4.1 外资准入监管制度的概述 15
4.2 外资准入后的工商监管制度的主要内容与缺陷 15
4.3 上海自贸区外资准入后监管制度的创新与不足 16
第5章 外资监管制度的完善建议 19
5.1 完善外资监管体系 19
5.2 完善国家安全审查和外资并购国家安全审查制度 19
5.3 完善外资准入后监管方式 21
第6章 结论 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27
第1章 引言
“一带一路”战略的实施以来在2013至2016年四年中,全国累计实际吸收外资4894.2亿美元,外商投资企业数量虽不足全国各类企业总量的3%,却创造了我国近一半的对外贸易、1/5的财政税收、1/7的城镇就业,[1]为我国经济社会发展作出重要贡献。“一带一路”战略的实施下,我国外资的吸引量不断增多我国的吸引外资规模不断壮大,外资流入量不断增多,但是我国的外资监管制度却不完善,表现在“负面清单”还不透明,自贸区下实行负面清单模式,但是相关的法律法规却没有跟上变革的脚步,国家安全审查制度审查范围过小,审查程序、审查标准并不明确,事中事后的监管 制度也不完善,尽管十三大以来,在政府简政放权思想的引领下,我国减少了很多的审批事项,但是在实践中工商部门管理中,审批事项依然有很多需要改革。因此,在目前的我国,建立完备的外资监管体系,完善与外资管理有关的法律法规,改革在外资管理中的各种审批事项显的尤为重要,