2021-06-24 22:12:29
摘 要
The system of possession is one of the most important systems in The property law,which is the order of things.To meet one’s survival needs,we should make the thing best use,and then wo can keep continued survival and development.And the protection of possession belongs to the core of the system of possession. The protection of possession includes self-help and public remedy.
Legal system of developed countries, generally has a deep study on possession, there are many actions on the legislative jurisdiction of law enforcement. In the system of possession, the right of claim for possession protection has a central legal effect, the implementation of the right of claim for possession protection called " Possession of v." Due to different historical background and present, the possession of litigation in different countries has slightly different rules. There will be some introduces carried out in this paper, let the readers have a primary comprehend.
In the fist of the paper,it introduces the concept of possession, and methods of possession protection, which leads to the basic content of the possession of the lawsuit . By analyzing the differences in possession and the right to the suit, let readers to have a preliminary understanding.In the second , talk about the source of possession of the lawsuit, experience the baptism of history, it is still alive, so it must have been modern value.The third part analyses the typical pattern of possession proceedings and has a simple reviews. In the last part of the article, explains the provisions of possession proceedings in China, and makes some suggestions for building a litigation system in our country.
Key words: possession; possession protection; possession action; action mode
第1章 占有及占有保护的基本内容 1
1.1论述占有的概念及性质 1
1.2法律保护占有的原因 1
1.3保护占有的方法 1
1.3.1自力救济 1
1.3.2占有保护请求权 2
1.4 占有之诉与本权之诉的区别 2
第2章占有之诉渊源及设立价值 4
2.1占有之诉的渊源 4
2.2占有之诉设立价值 4
2.2.1设立的必要性 4
2.2.2占有之诉诉权价值 5
第3章外国有关占有之诉的规定与分析 7
3.1法国的占有之诉模式 7
3.1.1有关不动产的诉讼模式及不竞合规则 7
3.1.2动产的占有诉讼模式 8
3.1.3本段小结 8
3.2德国、日本的占有之诉模式 8
3.2.1.对占有请求权的简易化保护——假处分程序 8
3.2.2本段小结 10
第4章我国占有之诉的现状及构建 11
4.1我国有关占有保护规定的现状 11
4.1.1对占有的物权法保护 11
4.1.2债权法的保护规定 12
4.2我国现在立法的一些不足之处 13
4.2.1未对能否进行自力救济进行明示 13
4.2.2未规定本权之诉与占有之诉的关系问题 13
4.3占有之诉在我国构建的畅想 13
4.3.1占有之诉的提起条件 13
4.3.2占有之诉的诉讼模式 14
结语 17
参考文献 18
致谢 20
第1章 占有及占有保护的基本内容
关于占有如何定性,理论界有着不同的看法:其一,认为所有权包括了占有,占有具有所有权的属性;其二,认为占有可以定性为非所有权人现实掌管别人财物的事实形态;其三,认为占有当属对物的占领、控制;其四,认为占有是人对物进行掌管之事实状态 (三、四是普遍接受的看法);其五,占有是一种权利即占有权[1]