2021-10-27 21:57:51
摘 要
With the deepening of globalization, foreign capital flows and control capacities have reached an unprecedented level, penetrating all areas of the country through various forms. To prevent national security risks posed by foreign investment, major market economy countries have established or modified national security review systems for foreign investment, and have adopted effective declaration mechanisms to reasonably screen for foreign investment security risks. Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China, which has not been in force in China for a long time, provides for the establishment of a foreign investment security review, which has ushered in a new era of national security review of foreign investment in China, but how to improve the national security review of foreign investment under the new era and re-establish the declaration mechanism is a major problem in the future.
In this paper, the author analyzes the current legal texts of foreign investment national security review and compares the contents of foreign investment review and declaration system through empirical and comparative research. First, the contents of the declaration mechanism are summarized by examining our national security review system for foreign investment. Secondly, there are the following shortcomings in the content of the declaration mechanism: (1) the declaration takes into account fewer security factors and has a narrower scope; (2) there are flaws in the subject matter of the declaration procedure and in the way it is initiated; (3) there is a lack of legal liability for violations of the declaration mechanism. Finally, by comparing the advantages of the foreign investment review and declaration mechanism with those of other countries, the author will make reasonable suggestions for improving our declaration mechanism.
Key Words:National Security Review; FDI, Mandatory Declaration
第1章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景与意义 5
1.2国内外研究现状 6
1.3研究方法及目标 7
第2章 我国外资国家安全审查申报机制立法现状 8
2.1我国外资安审申报机制的法律渊源 8
2.2 外资安审申报机制的内容 10
2.2.1外资安审申报的安全因素 10
2.2.2外资安查申报范围 11
2.2.3 外资安查申报的程序 11
第3章 我国外资国家安全审查申报机制缺陷 13
3.1申报机制依据的法律文件效力位阶较低 13
3.2申报机制依据的安全审查因素不足 14
3.3申报机制具体内容有待细化 14
3.3.1 申报的投资类型较少 14
3.3.2 申报的具体范围较窄 15
3.3.3申报的程序存在瑕疵 15
3.3.4 申报的责任缺位 17
第4章 我国外资国家安全审查申报机制的完善 18
4.1建立以强制申报为中心的申报机制 18
4.2强制申报的范围重构 20
4.2.1 敏感投资主体的外资 20
4.2.2 敏感行业、技术的外资 20
4.2.3 特殊地域的外资 21
4.2.4取得控制权的外资 22
4.3 强制申报程序的完善 23
4.3.1申报主体 23
4.3.2 预申报制度 24
4.4违反强制申报的法律责任 25
参考文献 27
致谢 28
第1章 绪论
然而我国当前的外资安审制度及其下的申报机制尚不完善,具体表现在:(1)外资安审制度来自低位阶的法律规范性文件,其依据过去的政治经济时代背景显然无法同现行《外商投资法》、《国家安全法》配套施行。(2) 外资审查领域随经济实践发展而扩大规模,各国将涉及敏感技术、特殊投资主体等的外资纳入审查, 而我国对在某些审查领域尚有缺失,外资安审申报更是无从谈起。因此外资安审制度亟须重构与完善。作为外资安审的“阀门”之一,申报机制在发挥吸引外国投资者、提高安全审查效率、适配安全审查制度等方面具有重大作用。因此我国在构建外资安审制度中应重建申报机制,新申报机制将有助于符合法定条件的外国投资者的投资行为、经营业务依照法定程序高效有序进入国内市场,提高经济效率;有助于筛选、防止不符合法定条件的外国投资者业务违反法定程序进入市场,以维护各方面国家安全。