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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 财务管理 > 正文


 2021-03-12 00:20:00  

摘 要






Mergers and acquisitions (Mamp;As) is a vital path for corporations to get self-improvement. With the development of economy, more and more Mamp;A incidents occurred in China. And evaluation on Mamp;A attracts wide attention among our country. Exploring the affect Mamp;A on financial performance would promote better choices when corporations organize such activities. The result of the research is meaningful for us when choosing Mamp;A modes. Also, it would help managers recognize the Mamp;A in a deeper layer and it has significance on how to choose the Mamp;A code.

The following is what this paper contains: Firstly, the definition, classification and motivation of Mamp;As are introduced in chapter two. Then, this paper further introduces methods to evaluate Mamp;A on financial performance. Afterwards, it reviews the Mamp;A process of the two companies. And finally comprehensive index method is applied to calculate the Comprehensive Financial Index Scores. The results of the score would be used for studying the Mamp;A performance. The result of the research found that there exists a correlation between the two companies' Comprehensive Financial Index Scores and Mamp;A activity, which can be described that significant improvement has been observed in the company during the two years. This proves financial competitiveness of the company has been markedly improved.

Characteristics of this paper: firstly, it applies case study and comprehensive index method to support its conclusion. Secondly, it combines horizontal comparison way and vertical comparison way to realize its conclusion. Therefore, changes of comprehensive financial index scores can be seen before and after Mamp;A. At the same time, by comparing its score with other companies in the same field, position changes can be known by the researchers. Thus, deeper and more comprehensive understanding towards Mamp;A performance on corporations can be achieved.

Key Words:Mergers and Acquisitions; Comprehensive Financial Index Score; Comprehensive Index Method目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 4

1.4 本文的创新点 5

第2章 相关理论基础 6

2.1 企业并购的概念与分类 6

2.2 企业并购动因 7

2.3 并购财务绩效的评估方法 8

第3章 中国南车集团并购中国北车集团的基本情况 10

3.1 并购主体介绍 10

3.2 并购背景 11

3.3 中国南车并购中国北车的过程 12

第4章 中国南车并购中国北车的财务绩效分析 14

4.1 并购财务指标体系的建立 14

4.2 财务指标权重的确定 15

4.3 计算分析 20

4.4 建议 25

第5章 全文总结 27

5.1 研究结论 27

5.2 研究不足 27

参考文献 29

致谢 30

第1章 绪论

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