2022-01-18 20:55:52
摘 要
关键词:社区居民 应急管理 应急能力 自然灾害
The study on the ability of community residents to cope with natural disasters
China is a country with frequent natural disasters,it caused a huge number of injuries and deaths every year. While providing security for citizens, the government is also developing community emergency management. As the first main body of the community and the direct influence of sudden natural disasters, the improvement of community residents' own emergency response ability can also effectively improve our country's emergency management ability. Firstly, this paper sorts out the emergency ability that community residents should have, and evaluates the specific performance of Chinese community residents in coping with natural disasters. It finds that Chinese community residents have certain emergency awareness, but lack of risk prevention awareness and weak self-help and mutual rescue ability, and analyzes the reasons. Then, it draws lessons from the specific ways that the government, community and residents cooperate to improve residents' emergency response capacity in response to natural disasters in Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom. Finally, it proposes measures to improve the emergency response capacity of Chinese community residents, such as optimizing publicity and education activities and implementing disaster drill activities.
Key words:Community Residents;Emergency Management;Emergency Capacity;Natural Disasters
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
引言 1
(一)研究背景及意义 1
(二)文献综述 2
一、相关概念及理论 4
(一)相关概念 4
1.突发事件 4
2.应急能力 4
(二)基础理论 4
1.公民参与理论 4
2.应急管理四阶段理论 5
二、社区居民应对自然灾害时应该具备的能力 6
(一)风险防范意识与应急准备能力 6
(二)应急响应能力 6
(三)应急恢复能力 7
三、社区居民应对自然灾害的具体表现 8
(一)风险防范意识与应急准备 8
(二)应急自救互救与救援 10
(三)事后恢复 10
四、社区居民应急能力欠缺的原因分析 11
(一)从政府的角度:应急教育体系不够完善 11
(二)从社区的角度:社区应急教育宣传及应急演练有待加强 11
(三)从居民的角度:居民主体意识薄弱 12
五、国外提升社区居民应急能力的经验与启示 14
(一)国外提升社区居民应急能力的措施 14
1.日本应对地震灾害的措施 14
2.澳洲应对林火、暴风雨及高温灾害的措施 15
3.英国应对暴风雨、洪水灾害的措施 15
(二)经验与启示 16
六、完善我国社区居民应急能力的相关策略 17
(一)完善我国的应急教育体系,促进我国应急氛围的积极发展 17
(二)健全应急通信网络,提高居民风险防范意识 17
(三)创新宣教方法,拓宽宣传渠道 18
(四)落实模拟演练,注重反馈评估,完善奖励措施 18
(五)增强社区居民在社区应急中的主体意识 19
结论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 24